By Jon Ang
Come Home Running
by Chris Tomlin
album: Not To Us (2002)
Oh heart of mine, why must you stray?
From one so fair you run away
And one more time you have to pay
The heaviness of needless shame
Oh heart of mine, come back home
You've been too long out on your own
And He's been there all along
Watching for you down the road
So come home running
His arms are open wide
His name is Jesus
He understands
He is the answer
You are looking for
So come home running
Just as you are
Oh child of God so dearly loved
And ransomed by the Savior's blood
And called by name, "daughter" and "son"
Wrapped in the robe of righteousness
By Jon Ang
My grown up christmas list- kelly clarkson
Do you remember me
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you
With childhood fantasies
Well, I'm all grown up now
And still need help somehow
I'm not a child
But my heart still can dream
So here's my lifelong wish
My grown up christmas list
Not for myself
But for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
and wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown up christmas list
As children we believed
The grandest sight to see
Was something lovely
Wrapped beneath our tree
Well heaven surely knows
That packages and bows
Can never heal
A hurting human soul
No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown up christmas list
What is this illusion called the innocence of youth
Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth
(there'd be)
No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end, oh
This is my grown up christmas list
This is my grown up christmas list
By Jon Ang
All I need is you
Left my fear by the side of the road
Hear You speak
Won't let go
Fall to my knees as I lift my hands to pray
Got every reason to be here again
Father's love that draws me in
And all my eyes wanna see is a glimpse of
YouAll I need is You
All I need is You Lord
Is you Lord
One more day and it's not the same
Your spirit calls my heart to sing
Drawn to the voice of my Saviour once again
Where would my soul be without Your Son
Gave His life to save the earth
Rest in the thought that You're watching over me
All I need is You
All I need is You Lord
Is You Lord
You hold the universe
You hold everyone on earth
You hold the universe
You hold
You hold
[La gloria a Dios]
By Jon Ang
i am finally back after a ong long long long time....tired.... O's was ok... sinces its the past tense, lets not talk about it anymore....bad thing s happen during O's... hps and moneys gone, bags openned..... rubbish!!
Straight after o's was prom night.... the programme was only ok...but i had a very fun night... took many many photos.... well wan to see it?? tok to me... i very sian... i might give u the after that we went walking to orchard(quite nearby la...) then we went cineleisure. wanted to catch a midnight show but only got harry already so went of
we went to swensens had a meal and for soem reason decided to walk to esplanade. we arrived at 3+ we had a fun time joking and fooling around on the streets. when we reached we rest awhile played daidee then i went back with jianwei, szejing and daniel... reached hoem around 5+ watch soccer and uploaded pictures... then i tried to be funny by packing my dirty and dusty room... i ended with a whole red chest with rashes... only slept around 8+ and woke up around 10 to go to the dentist.... after the dentist, i wen thome, i did everything but sleep... the next day was my Sscondary school's open house.. i have already graduated but i dun know why i agreed to go back to help... not many people came, maybe less then 50 teh whole day? who cares? i am leaving what... all the sec4s left together...
At night we met up and went to celebrate yunli's birthday.... we went to seoul garden at taka... me, mark, harold, maimunah, yunli and khairul had a really fun time playing games and eating stuff for punishments. after that we gave yunli her surprise cake when she went to teh toilet... we didn't have actually we couldn't get a lighter... but we told her we could not light it as we were in the shopping centre.... we then headed down to west coast recreational centre for bowling... after that we went over to mark's house ass his parents and brotehr were not around. we didn't sleep throughout the night watching shows and playing games.. went home with yunli around 7+ and waited quite long for the stupid 51....
SUnday was teh start of youth camp....yea!!! i expected somethignreally good, but not all things were... it turned out to be a budget camp.... i had a really really good encounter with god there... he really touched me there... you want to know how it feel?? follow me to will know... the food was on and off... some meals were good, some were really bad... breakfast is always the worst while dinner is always the best....another bad thing..... i didn't get my landyard at all???only my 'card' and next the card used to be made form hard paper.. this year, i had photocopy papers... Ok i will tok about my group.... first i had this super enthu boy called Ian.... we was constantly shouting like made, constantly making elvin and jason i had this joker.. i dunno whats his name, he only came to my group on the second day, he wore long pants and track pants all the time and worst of all, he wore it until his albow.... image how high it was... he created a joke and was a laughing stock for teh leaders... the programme sheet put that there was a nature walk, but it was an error... he went up to jeremy seaward and aswereked when the naturewalk was and they were all stunned. they started laughing after he left and jason oon told us the ok last day, there was no bus, so we had to walk out to the main road to catch a bus.... we took bus all the way to clementi had our meals and headed home. after i went howm, i started my search for a job i decided, IMM would be a good place as i would save on my travel fare...ok..... my brother is going east timor for a short mission trip... how can he leave me behind :'(.. anyways....
[La gloria a Dios]
By Jon Ang
Prelims are over... so the o's are nearer and nearer.... spent my weekday well, enjoying. Friday went to play street soccer, then saturday went out then valarie's birthday party then went to play pool. Sunday went churhc, play table tennis and thats it.
Just finish watching Final Fantasy Advent Children. The graphics are really good. :) like real people. i was just wondering, why do they have to make tifa and aeris(the two females in the game) so pretty. They look really really pretty. No real human can be that pretty. It only makes guys facinated but the truth is, you can't find this type of beauty in reality... the re sults are coming out soon, we are all gonna die!
[Whats worst then the exams? THE RESULTS]
The Jonathan Factor
The initiator
'come on, let's go'
By Jon Ang
3 days gone,
4 papers screwed,
5 papers finished....
1st paper: phy/chem practical: screwed up the graph and answers
2nd paper: EL1: out of point
3rd paper: ML1: donno what i writing
4th paper: Literature Paper2: most confident paper so far...(hoping to get 40/50) if i fail i go die
5th Paper: Bio practical: Hard!
haiz... i aimed L1R5-20 i tink i'm gonna get 30 again... no first 3mths...who cares? i wanna go to a polytechnic....
When you have a worry
Step1: Pray.... Proclaim him god
Step2: tell your worries
Step3: thank god for granting!
Crap, crap, crap,crap,crap....
Please help me to pass my Geography and EM2 tml.... Thank You....
By Jon Ang
hello! haven blogged in a long long while... prelims are coming....die die die..... well i recently started studying and i manage to continue studying for a few days but when the holiday came it stopped. not because i am lazy, i actually got the hang of studying but going to school everyday until 3+, 4+ really makes me death tired. even though i take a book out, i will not look at it. Going back to school everyday is not a good thing after all. i rather they let us study by ourselves at home....i lost the hang of it.... well, gotta atart soon, prelims starts on monday.... onlt done a bit of chem, phy and bio... so so death... well to all sec4s wish you good luck for your prelims....
By Jon Ang
Hm.... so school starts tomorrow. My life is screwed up, my SC room is screwed up and so are my councillors. gigantic pile of homework not done yet. i decided to take a rest so i started blogging. i'll start from after SC camp. On tuesday mr lim needed councillors to help so i sms almost every councillor the day before. That took me around 40+ messages. However i was forgetful and forgotten to put in some details, therefore i think i sent more then a hundred sms that day replying and begging people to come. It always happen so coincidenly that people have appoints with doctors, dentist, other people, CCas.... I am not saying i don't believe but why is it always so accurate. If i am that accurate, then i hope to strike 4D or something like that. Then i wouldn't have to study anymore. Nvm back to topic. 100 over messages sent, only around 10 came. And it consisted of Sec5s, Sec4s, Sec2s. Where are the next batch of leaders? they are missing in action. Not a single Sec3 turned up. Well nvm just my luck. Ok atleast those who were there, you guys know that you had alot of fun passing things, saboing, bombing and even shooting water guns. ok..... next where are my Vice Presidents?? they are Missing too. Yuting was grounded dunno for what reason, jasmine left halfway for dating.... Nvm again. Just my luck again.... We work under Mr Leong this time. atleast he wasn't unreasonable that day. So he didn't spoil my day. At the end, some of us decided that we should go ice-skating on saturday before school reopens. I agreed then i didn't turn up. i only watched them but i didn't skate. Didn't feel like skating. Had NCC camp from wed to thurs well it was all ok. On the last day, i was shocked when i was talking to the stall 8 malay auntie. i went there to eat breakfast with Gary tang and Ng Jiehao. then when i was buying, she asked me, last week you come forSC camp, now NCC camp, always comeback school. then i say no choice la. Then she say you stepping down soon right? then she urged me to step down as soon as possible as i am in my final year. She told me to study. What i am trying to say is sometimes there are people that u don't really know who would encourage you and boost your morale. I didn't sleep the whole night . stayed up at my frends place to play winning eleven 8. we played the whole night then went to church. During church, i listen to the message and was touched by it. We should not only dream, we should try and make it come true because YOU WILL NEVER KNOW UNTILL YOU TRY! thats what the Pastor said.
Well i'll try all the methods to attain my goals in school and hope that everyday would be a better day....
By Jon Ang
SC CAMP 05... [Project Councillors]
This years SC camp is special. Its a joint camp involving Tanglin secondary school and Bukit Panjang Primary School. Didn't do much preparation during before the camp. Felt pretty stress out the day before the camp. There were approximately 75 people and only around 25% belongs to our school. i am so dissapointed with the number of councillors present. most of them tied up with their personal activities. Anyway who needs them... the camp was fun. The most fun thing i had in the camp was watching the people having fun. Hm... i didn't really get to know any primary school kids. They knew me by i never knew them. what a pity. I did alot of thing last minute. actually i only ran the camp but i didn't prepare. i must thank the group of primary school kids, teachers and my organising committee. Did have some problems but i dun want to mention. i must also thank my seniors for helping out. without them and their experience, i would be death. 1 more week to go... school is starting. Hope to step down from SC as soon as possible and move on with life. Didn't really get to acess the sec3s for future excos.... i guesss... those not around just blewed their chances...
By Jon Ang
[Life is waiting]
When we are young we start waiting,
toys,presents,food and everything.
Hoping to have the best
so that we can be better than the rest.
When we are older, in primary school,
we are waiting for people to say we are cool.
When PSLE comes closer,
we can't wait to get it over.
In the teenage years, is freedom we are waiting for,
but when recieve a little of it, we always want more.
Hoping to grow older so we can do things legally,
its another case of foolery.
When we are working, we want pay rise and promotions,
always waiting for the people we love to take actions.
But the chances are quite small,
Because we always do not want to make the first call.
After retirement,
there is more time for movement.
We wait for our children's visits,
however we do not first leave our seats.
So sometimes we think that waiting is a lie,
But the fact is we are all waiting till we die.
I wrote it myself...... i am so bored, its 12+........
By Jon Ang
Haven really been blogging for a long time. Not that i am busy, but i am just too lazy to blog. Didn't do really well in the mid-year examinations. Got L1R4 24 and L1R5 30. Where can i go?? NURSING.... Bad decision.... Well with that kind of results, i wouldn't be able to get into a junior colleage that i dream of. And if i get into a polytechnic, i wouldn't be able to get into a course i would want. I still can't decide where i would want to go after my secondary school education. I realise ihave to sacrifice alot of things...
Went to RELC to day for a literature course...Understood nothing. Bad! bad! bad! after that went for lunch then went to play pool. i am really lousy.... i lost every game i played... maybe pool is not my cup of tea. argh! anyways went for a game of badminton at night. i got smacked by my teamate from the back with a shuttlecock. it was pain for the moment tho. after finishing, i was at the bus-stop alone. it was really dark and deserted. After i got on the bus, i did some soul-searching. i realise i have alot of baggage to let go before i could concentrate on my studies...
i am trying to let go and i hope i would be able and allowed to. i realise i would need intensive studying well i really think i should study, and if you're taking the O's this year, i hope u start soon. i feel the sense of urgency to start. Not much time is left. just sacrifise the next 5 months and CHIONG towards o'levels.
I have just finished typing and guess what??? its past 12mn and its my birthday...Hope i would have a better year ahead. 16 is the age where i tink major changes take place. i hope i cna still control and limit myself to what i do (NC-16 movies, Pool, blah blah blah)
By Jon Ang
ok! done. i hope it will be beter after a scolding. At least i had an immediate improvement. but i'll still have to look out whether it will stay this way. sports day was ok. just that i had to wear blazer and long sleeve under the hot sun waiting for the GOH and VIPs. Ok. i must thank Junhao, Jiamin and Jasmine for suffering the same fate as me. Well, to Junhao and Jiamin althought i know that you wouldn't be reading this but, you really did a good job and showed your leadership qualities. well to the other sec3, come more often and show your skills. you might be next in the line. Mr Leong praised the councillors(Never happened for quite a long time) Esp those at the refreshment table, he comented that you guys were polite and have the correct approach for the guest and teachers. Many teachers commented that the councillors did well today. AND BEST OF ALL I HAVE TO SAY, WE DID A GOOD JOB WITHOUT A SINGLE TEACHER IN-CHARGE OF TAKING!!!! JOB WELL DONE!!!! Then after we were about to leave Ngee Ann, i saw mr ronnie teo's car and asked for a freee ride home since i stayed near him. i got many feedbacks from him about student council and school. and yah, Mr Lee Han Seng and Miss Leong said that in Future with Canivals like this, make a polo shirt and wear instead, formal attire is not appropriate
By Jon Ang
Life have not been very good for me lately. My life revolves around school, tuition, homework, studies and the council. haven really had the chance to come online lately so can't blog. rushing from place to place for school, tuition, home is driving me nuts. The councillors are also driving me nuts. i almost feel like giving. nv had a meeting with full attendence, never ever run an event with full strength. it's always the same people going through with me, suffering with me. Reasonly, i have been taking most of the blame, from teachers.... do they know? i doubt so! Well no choice. Mr Lim say the current sec4s have no expiry date. How i wish my expiry date is like tomorrow. Well atleast after i went through today, i realise that my excos are there supporting me when i am about to fall. i nv felt them so close as a team when they were enthusiatic to get the planning done. i guess i would have to reward them. today isn't my day. so tomorrow wouldn't YOUR day. i going to do things that i have said i was going to do but haven done. not doing it doesn't mean i forget what i say. Its just that upon seeing their faces i feel that i can't bear to do it. i wish life would be better. Anyway you people will be on your own very soon. So mayb then will you really feel how i am feeling now. I feel so presured now. chrestella was saying something like now people are stressing over studying for o'level while you not only have that, but you also have council to stress you even more.
Well, i still can't forget the times when the 1st student council was around.
You will only cherish things when they are not longer around. Learn to cherish what you have now. don't live your lives with regrets.
I feel like crying....seriously...
By Jon Ang
ok, its long since i blogged. i have been officially appointed as the president of the student council. i'm having alot of pressure from teachers, expecting a higher standard then before. i can't afford to skip extra lessons and dun do homework. ok, i screwed the investiture, i actually think that the whole investitue was a flop. never had a single full attendance for all the practices. due to the coming syf, many of them had their own cca. but i appreciate the faithful ones. one day, you will may it big.... i did badly in my speech. i mumbled, and people coulgn't hear me, i was sweating like a mad man. i bet it could fill a 500ml bottle to the rim. everyone is disturbing me now in school, calling me president. at first i find it quite irritating but after i while i think its still ok. the week wasn't as bad as i had expected. just cameback from speech day rehearsal, it was ok quite a last minute thing but i think its still ok. gtg, see ya soon
By Jon Ang
i'm so gonna be death soon.
with the normal behavior i have in class i am gonna be in such a big trouble.
ok. guess what. the long awaited SC investiture is coming.
And i gonna be the president.
i think i am not up to it yet.
its not the work load. but the mental stress.......
and things are not going very well in the council. bad things are happening, quarrels here and there. nobody is willing to do anything that is told. i feel that i have very little support, and people seem so unhappy with decisions that i make. And you show me some attitude lie i am suppose to accomodate with you. And i'm there to serve you!when something is told and you are asked to follow it, either u dun follow, or u are back to square one in a few days. your damn attire is affecting someone else. you say the council sucks and people are looking down on it. but its the truth. But don't forget. you people are the ones who make it seem like this. if your attitude is better, maybe you would change what others think about the council board. those people who i am refering to, i know you surely not be reading to this. time to wake up! you people are taking over soon. ok. whatever, anyways if you are unwilling and your authorities aren't happy, then they'll just have to say byebye to YOU! And if you think its easy being an exco, i can let you try it and experience it first hand. YOU people complain this and that about the exco, but you all never thought of our feelings. YOU people think we do nothing? we even sacrifised meals for you and you dun even appreciate it. Then whats all those B.A.S.I.C.S lesson and CME lessons that you have learnt throughout the years of education for? i am not refering to all. but i appreciate some.
i appreciatte this people for coming down today for the rehersal. Jasmine, Chrestella, Cheryl, Yeh Ching, Jazreel, Georgina, Yuting, Harold, ShiYong, Yip XIn, Yunli, Laura, Tiffany, Teck Hwa, Anthony, Marlene, Bai lu, Shuqing, Jervene. and anyone else i missed out(sorry i cna't remember).
seniors: shahidah, tracy, alvin, weiliang
without you all, it won't be possible today
By Jon Ang
ok, i'm dead! so so so so so dead! my self-confidences and self-esteem went al the way down. the day went well, every period was ok except ms chngs period... i think she having PMS. scolded us for 2 whole periods! just because we said we didn't know there was going to be a test. then she talked about everything from english to our attitude to basics work. what in the world is wrong with her? i heard that she dun like out class from someone else.... well, neither do we like her! always trying to be sarcastic to us putting us down! ok, thats not bad. the worst thing was the interview at the library after sschool. that was very very bad... i disgrased the student council and the school's image! haiz.... i was acknowledge as the acting council president then we were talking about discipline and attire. then kenedy, we was sitting beside we was pinpointed by the indian man that his hair was long and he was a leader. then he looked at him and said my hair was long. then he asked again whether i was the president.....oh no i m so so dead! ok. how am i every gonna be able to face the council? haiz.... next, that man was freaky..... on his left hand he only had 1 thumb and 3 fingers...... it looked rather natural. i notice it when i was staring blankly..... i was the only 1 who noticed it..... so scary. well, i gonna find confidence and esteem to pick myself up again!
By Jon Ang
Zihao got the same phone as me over the weekends. i got it on saturday, he got it on sunday, i didn't know he would get it and he didn't know i would get it. so coincidence! haha. he spent the whole day in class meddling with the phones sending things via bluetooth here and there. today nothing much to talk about except the soccer match. Tanglin soccer team is out of national round after a lost of 4-2. they played well overall but were just unlucky. they were out due to the goal differences. thats all. good bye!
By Jon Ang
Last night after coming home from church, i watching soccer then my father cameback and i was given a new handphone. its a sony ericsson k700i...WOW.... I can finally stop using the colourless, monotone ringtone fone. and ivan setiawan can stop laughing at me now!.... well had to wake up at 5am and reach expo at 6am this morning. had to learn how to set up this new stupid camera. when we reached there, we couldn't find the entrance as many doors were closed at that type of hour. when we reached there, we were the only ones and waited until around 5.30 then the people came. then we waited until the man was ready to teach us at around 6+ or 7+. then it was only until 8 and service was at 10.30. we walked around expo and couldn't find a place for breakfast. the BK only opened at 11am. what kind of stupid BK is that? so we had to settle for BeeHoon that was bought from outside. i'm feeling so tired yet i can't sleep yet still got hmewk to do. haiz.... at least i'm happy i got a new phone!
By Jon Ang
Nothing much really happened to day, having another 2 more test and i'll be free for the weekend. but whats worst then the test? the RESULTS.....hahaa, i quoted that from on my my fren's msn nick in the past, and i agree with it. have a happy day tml, Ming tian hui gen hao!
By Jon Ang
ok, i finally decided to blog because i am too lazy to do my maths hmewk. Well i haven been blogging because i was going through a period of mourning... well, everything must come to an end so.... i'm back. i am now feeling rather happy, i fell alot better, i dunno why... reasonly, the homeworks are pilling up, test are coming one after another, and more and more remedial lessons,(FoCuS)..... well, the more the merrier, isn't it. i dun really like extra lessons, but i do like focus as i do o'lvl type questions there, which i am always lazy to do by myself at home. i think then from doing tys questions, i am able to know my standard better. i would be able to know how BAD i am, exactly two months to left to chinese o'lvl, i am very bad in chinese, i just hope for a pass in case i decide to go to JC. I want to go to a polytechinc but i still dunno what are the courses offered and i still dun know what i am interested in. ok, i need help, will someone help me change my blogskin, i starting to distlike this incredibles wall paper. i really think that the SC i am in is in a bad shape. what to do? i can't blame anyone except myself for not spending more time with it. ok teachers always complain this, complain that about us, we too are humans, we do make mistakes. and we learn from our mistakes isn't it? alot of on coming events for sc during the june holidays.
ok today, after SC meeting, i decided to skip IE meeting cause i have focus. then i found out that the ie members were all given 108hours of CIP for helping in the camp. i am damn pissed now with myself for not going. with 108hours, i could have gotten the big hearts award.To be frank, i really think i commited alot of time to school(maybe you don't think so) now my only wish is to be awarded with some prestigious award that is not given by the school. ANY award, anything!!!!
By Jon Ang
I am suppose to write a speech for myself in the coming investiture. Does that mean i am going to be the next president? How i wish that i was writing on behalf of someone else instead of myself. I can't handle the pressure i am having right now. Then how am i suppose to be able to handle more in the future? I still don't think i have what it takes to lead a big group. I am hoping for last minute changes, i really don't wish to be the president. I dare not to tell Mr Lim about my fears. i know that it will be a waste of time as he would ask me to give it a try and give myself a chance. Reasonly i must admit that i have really neglected the council by always having the disappearing act. I know I am being selfish but i really can't take it. Why can't a single decision make everyone happy? i hope the councillors will give the excos' more support and accomodate with the decisions they make. Someday you will know that its tough to be a leader.
By Jon Ang
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever want to run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt, to feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more
Before your life is over?
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt, to feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
No one ever lied straight to your face
And no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy
But I'm not gonna be ok
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
You never had to work
It was always there
You don't know what it's like
What it's like
To be hurt, to feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like (what it's like)
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked
When you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
By Jon Ang
Whats wrong with my life? i don't know. Whats going on? I also don't know. there are too many things going on around me. i am at a point where i am lost i dunno what to do. i always think that life will be better after a week or two after the event is over. But things keep coming and piling up. pressure is also pilling up, the chines Os are approaching and i am so damn bad in my languages. i need help here!
By Jon Ang
If you want things to go your way, why don't you start leading at the start, you don't come for everything and now u want things to go your way. Can you get your facts righty before even acusing people of what they are doing? without finding out the truth, you could be hurting some 1. And can you talk to peopel with more respect? you think u queen ah?
I don't feel like commiting anymore time to things that have no good outcome. Spending my time with my friends or concentrating on NCC is even much better. whats wrong with my life? i cannot take it! every decision that i make will make some1 unhappy. i dun want to be responsible for anything anymore...
You might think i am happy, but i am not going to be ok!
By Jon Ang
So what in the world is the problem with all you people. leaving others in the lurch while you go enjoy yourself. why can't you people just sacrifice some time. you people are not the only ones who have your own commitments. others have it too. but why can't you sacrifice some things like them? So what if you achieved what you wanted? there are more people who deserve what you have now.... i keep this inside because i don't want to hurt friendships between people. But sometime saying it out will help me feel better. after reading this post, don't think that it is you that i am refering to. i am just venting my anger by typing this. i am not blaming anyone. if this post affected you, i m sorry. but i have no intention to hurt anyone.
By Jon Ang

i cook this! i'm gonna be a chef... Muahaha
By Jon Ang
i went to do some research about white hair. they say that only severe stress would cause hair to turn grey. i don't think i am under severe stress. so maybe its the genes. but my mother only started to have white hair at 30+. could it be the they difference in the childhood? The report also said that under severe stress a person would look alot older then his/her age... and i have been mistaken for being older before. So tell me do i look older then 15???
By Jon Ang
i feel that reasonly i am quite busy as i do not seem to have enough time. Nowadays, all the duties start pouring in like nobodies business. all the events to plan and carry, i am sick and tired of it. i don't want to be there doing stuff. i realise that i haven really had fun with my friends outside class. everyday after school when they go out, i would be tied down by some other meeting or CCA in school. Then on they days when i do not hav to stay in school, i would have to go for tuition. and my mother wants me to sleep at 10 everyday except during weekends. i have very little time during the day to study. not that i am that busy, but i cannot make myself study. instead i can sit infront of the computer.(if what i say before doesn't make sense nvm, just ignore it, or come talk to me. i myself don't know what i am talking.) My friends all say that i have alot of white hair. They say that i am so stressed out. so is it scientific proven that there will be more white hair with stress around? or is it just the genes? i am confused. Someone tell me please!
Next i feel like talking about the word 'versatile'
I think that people should learn to be versatile and adapt to things that are happening around them.
WE should try to be flexible and try to accomodate with things (or other people) instead of wanting it to accomodate with you. sometimes you can't have everything your way. if you can't have it your way, why not try going the other way. Maybe things would turn out better then you have expected. Sometimes you need to follow others before you can have others to follow you. If you follow others, you can learn from their mistake and you will be more experience. To me, a good follower will soon make a good leader. For example, in my school's student council, meetings n jobs are always given last minute. Despite the plans you hav made, you should try to get it done or go for the meeting. I am not implying anyone, but i think this is lacking in my school's student council.(if you have anything to defend just tell me.)
Lastly, do not only do things you like. I know that if a person is happy with his/her job he or she would do it even better, but like i said, not everything comes the way you want it to be. so stick to what you are given and you might eventually find interest in it.
Well if you have anything you would like to talk about just speak to me on MSN. i would like to learn more about you(whoever you are). if you need someone to talk to when u are down, you can also talk to me.
If you don't understand a single thing i say, then so be it, my sentance structure n english sucks anyway.
By Jon Ang
it has been a VERY long time sinces i last blog. many personal things which i do not which to talk about. well, i'm backed. the last time i blogged was 23 dec. now its 2/2/2005, last year and a month ago. i m recently very tired with the things that are happening around me. i do not have the mode to study at all. i hope this ends fast, o'lvl are coming. i dun wan to die there.
life is fine and simple now. i will be busy with things again soon. there are many more up coming events n i would be involve. i find that i have lack of time n im pretty exhausted....
i wish i had more time.