bad..... bad.... bad.....

By Jon Ang
i'm so gonna be death soon.
with the normal behavior i have in class i am gonna be in such a big trouble.
ok. guess what. the long awaited SC investiture is coming.
And i gonna be the president.
i think i am not up to it yet.
its not the work load. but the mental stress.......
and things are not going very well in the council. bad things are happening, quarrels here and there. nobody is willing to do anything that is told. i feel that i have very little support, and people seem so unhappy with decisions that i make. And you show me some attitude lie i am suppose to accomodate with you. And i'm there to serve you!when something is told and you are asked to follow it, either u dun follow, or u are back to square one in a few days. your damn attire is affecting someone else. you say the council sucks and people are looking down on it. but its the truth. But don't forget. you people are the ones who make it seem like this. if your attitude is better, maybe you would change what others think about the council board. those people who i am refering to, i know you surely not be reading to this. time to wake up! you people are taking over soon. ok. whatever, anyways if you are unwilling and your authorities aren't happy, then they'll just have to say byebye to YOU! And if you think its easy being an exco, i can let you try it and experience it first hand. YOU people complain this and that about the exco, but you all never thought of our feelings. YOU people think we do nothing? we even sacrifised meals for you and you dun even appreciate it. Then whats all those B.A.S.I.C.S lesson and CME lessons that you have learnt throughout the years of education for? i am not refering to all. but i appreciate some.
i appreciatte this people for coming down today for the rehersal. Jasmine, Chrestella, Cheryl, Yeh Ching, Jazreel, Georgina, Yuting, Harold, ShiYong, Yip XIn, Yunli, Laura, Tiffany, Teck Hwa, Anthony, Marlene, Bai lu, Shuqing, Jervene. and anyone else i missed out(sorry i cna't remember).
seniors: shahidah, tracy, alvin, weiliang
without you all, it won't be possible today