
By Jon Ang
[Life is waiting]
When we are young we start waiting,
toys,presents,food and everything.
Hoping to have the best
so that we can be better than the rest.

When we are older, in primary school,
we are waiting for people to say we are cool.
When PSLE comes closer,
we can't wait to get it over.

In the teenage years, is freedom we are waiting for,
but when recieve a little of it, we always want more.
Hoping to grow older so we can do things legally,
its another case of foolery.

When we are working, we want pay rise and promotions,
always waiting for the people we love to take actions.
But the chances are quite small,
Because we always do not want to make the first call.

After retirement,
there is more time for movement.
We wait for our children's visits,
however we do not first leave our seats.

So sometimes we think that waiting is a lie,
But the fact is we are all waiting till we die.

I wrote it myself...... i am so bored, its 12+........