
By Jon Ang
3 days gone,
4 papers screwed,
5 papers finished....

1st paper: phy/chem practical: screwed up the graph and answers
2nd paper: EL1: out of point
3rd paper: ML1: donno what i writing
4th paper: Literature Paper2: most confident paper so far...(hoping to get 40/50) if i fail i go die

5th Paper: Bio practical: Hard!

haiz... i aimed L1R5-20 i tink i'm gonna get 30 again... no first 3mths...who cares? i wanna go to a polytechnic....

When you have a worry
Step1: Pray.... Proclaim him god
Step2: tell your worries
Step3: thank god for granting!

Crap, crap, crap,crap,crap....
Please help me to pass my Geography and EM2 tml.... Thank You....