
By Jon Ang
i am finally back after a ong long long long time....tired.... O's was ok... sinces its the past tense, lets not talk about it anymore....bad thing s happen during O's... hps and moneys gone, bags openned..... rubbish!!
Straight after o's was prom night.... the programme was only ok...but i had a very fun night... took many many photos.... well wan to see it?? tok to me... i very sian... i might give u the after that we went walking to orchard(quite nearby la...) then we went cineleisure. wanted to catch a midnight show but only got harry already so went of
we went to swensens had a meal and for soem reason decided to walk to esplanade. we arrived at 3+ we had a fun time joking and fooling around on the streets. when we reached we rest awhile played daidee then i went back with jianwei, szejing and daniel... reached hoem around 5+ watch soccer and uploaded pictures... then i tried to be funny by packing my dirty and dusty room... i ended with a whole red chest with rashes... only slept around 8+ and woke up around 10 to go to the dentist.... after the dentist, i wen thome, i did everything but sleep... the next day was my Sscondary school's open house.. i have already graduated but i dun know why i agreed to go back to help... not many people came, maybe less then 50 teh whole day? who cares? i am leaving what... all the sec4s left together...
At night we met up and went to celebrate yunli's birthday.... we went to seoul garden at taka... me, mark, harold, maimunah, yunli and khairul had a really fun time playing games and eating stuff for punishments. after that we gave yunli her surprise cake when she went to teh toilet... we didn't have actually we couldn't get a lighter... but we told her we could not light it as we were in the shopping centre.... we then headed down to west coast recreational centre for bowling... after that we went over to mark's house ass his parents and brotehr were not around. we didn't sleep throughout the night watching shows and playing games.. went home with yunli around 7+ and waited quite long for the stupid 51....
SUnday was teh start of youth camp....yea!!! i expected somethignreally good, but not all things were... it turned out to be a budget camp.... i had a really really good encounter with god there... he really touched me there... you want to know how it feel?? follow me to will know... the food was on and off... some meals were good, some were really bad... breakfast is always the worst while dinner is always the best....another bad thing..... i didn't get my landyard at all???only my 'card' and next the card used to be made form hard paper.. this year, i had photocopy papers... Ok i will tok about my group.... first i had this super enthu boy called Ian.... we was constantly shouting like made, constantly making elvin and jason i had this joker.. i dunno whats his name, he only came to my group on the second day, he wore long pants and track pants all the time and worst of all, he wore it until his albow.... image how high it was... he created a joke and was a laughing stock for teh leaders... the programme sheet put that there was a nature walk, but it was an error... he went up to jeremy seaward and aswereked when the naturewalk was and they were all stunned. they started laughing after he left and jason oon told us the ok last day, there was no bus, so we had to walk out to the main road to catch a bus.... we took bus all the way to clementi had our meals and headed home. after i went howm, i started my search for a job i decided, IMM would be a good place as i would save on my travel fare...ok..... my brother is going east timor for a short mission trip... how can he leave me behind :'(.. anyways....
[La gloria a Dios]