SC CAMP 05... [Project Councillors]

By Jon Ang
SC CAMP 05... [Project Councillors]
This years SC camp is special. Its a joint camp involving Tanglin secondary school and Bukit Panjang Primary School. Didn't do much preparation during before the camp. Felt pretty stress out the day before the camp. There were approximately 75 people and only around 25% belongs to our school. i am so dissapointed with the number of councillors present. most of them tied up with their personal activities. Anyway who needs them... the camp was fun. The most fun thing i had in the camp was watching the people having fun. Hm... i didn't really get to know any primary school kids. They knew me by i never knew them. what a pity. I did alot of thing last minute. actually i only ran the camp but i didn't prepare. i must thank the group of primary school kids, teachers and my organising committee. Did have some problems but i dun want to mention. i must also thank my seniors for helping out. without them and their experience, i would be death. 1 more week to go... school is starting. Hope to step down from SC as soon as possible and move on with life. Didn't really get to acess the sec3s for future excos.... i guesss... those not around just blewed their chances...