Life is waiting...

By Jon Ang
Haven really been blogging for a long time. Not that i am busy, but i am just too lazy to blog. Didn't do really well in the mid-year examinations. Got L1R4 24 and L1R5 30. Where can i go?? NURSING.... Bad decision.... Well with that kind of results, i wouldn't be able to get into a junior colleage that i dream of. And if i get into a polytechnic, i wouldn't be able to get into a course i would want. I still can't decide where i would want to go after my secondary school education. I realise ihave to sacrifice alot of things...

Went to RELC to day for a literature course...Understood nothing. Bad! bad! bad! after that went for lunch then went to play pool. i am really lousy.... i lost every game i played... maybe pool is not my cup of tea. argh! anyways went for a game of badminton at night. i got smacked by my teamate from the back with a shuttlecock. it was pain for the moment tho. after finishing, i was at the bus-stop alone. it was really dark and deserted. After i got on the bus, i did some soul-searching. i realise i have alot of baggage to let go before i could concentrate on my studies...
i am trying to let go and i hope i would be able and allowed to. i realise i would need intensive studying well i really think i should study, and if you're taking the O's this year, i hope u start soon. i feel the sense of urgency to start. Not much time is left. just sacrifise the next 5 months and CHIONG towards o'levels.

I have just finished typing and guess what??? its past 12mn and its my birthday...Hope i would have a better year ahead. 16 is the age where i tink major changes take place. i hope i cna still control and limit myself to what i do (NC-16 movies, Pool, blah blah blah)