haha! i finally got a new phone!

By Jon Ang
Last night after coming home from church, i watching soccer then my father cameback and i was given a new handphone. its a sony ericsson k700i...WOW.... I can finally stop using the colourless, monotone ringtone fone. and ivan setiawan can stop laughing at me now!.... well had to wake up at 5am and reach expo at 6am this morning. had to learn how to set up this new stupid camera. when we reached there, we couldn't find the entrance as many doors were closed at that type of hour. when we reached there, we were the only ones and waited until around 5.30 then the people came. then we waited until the man was ready to teach us at around 6+ or 7+. then it was only until 8 and service was at 10.30. we walked around expo and couldn't find a place for breakfast. the BK only opened at 11am. what kind of stupid BK is that? so we had to settle for BeeHoon that was bought from outside. i'm feeling so tired yet i can't sleep yet still got hmewk to do. haiz.... at least i'm happy i got a new phone!