Busy? is it an excuse i use?

By Jon Ang
i feel that reasonly i am quite busy as i do not seem to have enough time. Nowadays, all the duties start pouring in like nobodies business. all the events to plan and carry, i am sick and tired of it. i don't want to be there doing stuff. i realise that i haven really had fun with my friends outside class. everyday after school when they go out, i would be tied down by some other meeting or CCA in school. Then on they days when i do not hav to stay in school, i would have to go for tuition. and my mother wants me to sleep at 10 everyday except during weekends. i have very little time during the day to study. not that i am that busy, but i cannot make myself study. instead i can sit infront of the computer.(if what i say before doesn't make sense nvm, just ignore it, or come talk to me. i myself don't know what i am talking.) My friends all say that i have alot of white hair. They say that i am so stressed out. so is it scientific proven that there will be more white hair with stress around? or is it just the genes? i am confused. Someone tell me please!
Next i feel like talking about the word 'versatile'
I think that people should learn to be versatile and adapt to things that are happening around them.
WE should try to be flexible and try to accomodate with things (or other people) instead of wanting it to accomodate with you. sometimes you can't have everything your way. if you can't have it your way, why not try going the other way. Maybe things would turn out better then you have expected. Sometimes you need to follow others before you can have others to follow you. If you follow others, you can learn from their mistake and you will be more experience. To me, a good follower will soon make a good leader. For example, in my school's student council, meetings n jobs are always given last minute. Despite the plans you hav made, you should try to get it done or go for the meeting. I am not implying anyone, but i think this is lacking in my school's student council.(if you have anything to defend just tell me.)
Lastly, do not only do things you like. I know that if a person is happy with his/her job he or she would do it even better, but like i said, not everything comes the way you want it to be. so stick to what you are given and you might eventually find interest in it.
Well if you have anything you would like to talk about just speak to me on MSN. i would like to learn more about you(whoever you are). if you need someone to talk to when u are down, you can also talk to me.
If you don't understand a single thing i say, then so be it, my sentance structure n english sucks anyway.