
By Jon Ang
Hm.... so school starts tomorrow. My life is screwed up, my SC room is screwed up and so are my councillors. gigantic pile of homework not done yet. i decided to take a rest so i started blogging. i'll start from after SC camp. On tuesday mr lim needed councillors to help so i sms almost every councillor the day before. That took me around 40+ messages. However i was forgetful and forgotten to put in some details, therefore i think i sent more then a hundred sms that day replying and begging people to come. It always happen so coincidenly that people have appoints with doctors, dentist, other people, CCas.... I am not saying i don't believe but why is it always so accurate. If i am that accurate, then i hope to strike 4D or something like that. Then i wouldn't have to study anymore. Nvm back to topic. 100 over messages sent, only around 10 came. And it consisted of Sec5s, Sec4s, Sec2s. Where are the next batch of leaders? they are missing in action. Not a single Sec3 turned up. Well nvm just my luck. Ok atleast those who were there, you guys know that you had alot of fun passing things, saboing, bombing and even shooting water guns. ok..... next where are my Vice Presidents?? they are Missing too. Yuting was grounded dunno for what reason, jasmine left halfway for dating.... Nvm again. Just my luck again.... We work under Mr Leong this time. atleast he wasn't unreasonable that day. So he didn't spoil my day. At the end, some of us decided that we should go ice-skating on saturday before school reopens. I agreed then i didn't turn up. i only watched them but i didn't skate. Didn't feel like skating. Had NCC camp from wed to thurs well it was all ok. On the last day, i was shocked when i was talking to the stall 8 malay auntie. i went there to eat breakfast with Gary tang and Ng Jiehao. then when i was buying, she asked me, last week you come forSC camp, now NCC camp, always comeback school. then i say no choice la. Then she say you stepping down soon right? then she urged me to step down as soon as possible as i am in my final year. She told me to study. What i am trying to say is sometimes there are people that u don't really know who would encourage you and boost your morale. I didn't sleep the whole night . stayed up at my frends place to play winning eleven 8. we played the whole night then went to church. During church, i listen to the message and was touched by it. We should not only dream, we should try and make it come true because YOU WILL NEVER KNOW UNTILL YOU TRY! thats what the Pastor said.
Well i'll try all the methods to attain my goals in school and hope that everyday would be a better day....