By Jon Ang
christmas is coming, i dun expect much gives this year, i dunno why. maybe because i am a year older so thats y. well today is a gd n bad day. the sec1 came to report at their new school so i had duty to do. something bad happened. miss solastri scolded me just because i was walking. she claim i was defying orders and walking slowly with no sence of urgency. then the next minute, she talk to me so nicely. i dunno whats wrong with her. Maybe because she is in front of teachers. i meet someone i knew in the new sec 1, she is bro. Johnson's daughter, she was there with sis. helen. What a coincidence! then i had to go to where the bookshop is to help. Some parents are so unreasonable, they make unreasonable demends and scold councillors when its not the councillors fault. Then i had council meeting after that. hearing all the things that we are doing n organising next year, i'm very excited and looking forward to it. then after that had exco meeting after that, there was a lot of sorting of problems and trashing done, problems among excos were resolved(at least i tink it is) but it wouldn't be long before the next problem comes. mr lim informed me that he needed to meet us tomorrow regarding our appointments but many of us cannot make it and our dear pincipal, Mrs Oei wants to know the appointment on monday, i dunno how Mr Lim is gonna do it but i tink he will be able to settle it. And suddenly everything come crashing towards us, soon we will noe who the new president is, i hope its not me.
By Jon Ang
EATING! is life, without it, you die, too much of eat u also die. i m much on the too much of it. its the holidays and i gain weight as fast as i change my clothes! my pants are gonna be tight and i'm gonna die, i am not allow vigourous activities and the only thing i can do is jog. and i HATE jogging! so now the problem is, i dun exercise and i eat alot. I can't make myself eat lesser or not eat and i hav absolutely no self-control over eating. since friday i have been eating and i also had buffet today and i am going to have BBQ tomorrow. oh no, what is the world coming too and i also had buffet to day. why are food nowadays so tempting, i need to resist temptation. today nothing realli much happen today, due to the absences of gab and declan, my closer friends in church, they are away on a short mission trip, i realise how life would be without them, so my advice to u, cherish your friends when they are around, learn to give in coz u might not noe when u would lose or see them....happi reading
By Jon Ang
its really really long since i blog, i went OBS, Senior Specialist Course and church camp, i'm too lazy to blog nowadays, so since i m so bored now, i shall blog, to went to the edge, not as good, no electric guitar, very little people, anyways yesturday i went to the doector and he disallowed me to play for 3-6 months.... oh not a 6 months ban. by the time i can play, i hav to start chionging for O'lvls. so its almost the same as cannot play soccer, actually also go. i can strt saying hello! to TYS. life is ok now but i am soon starting a bad year. looking forward , less then a year to o'lvs. what would happen to me if i do badly, i dun wan ITE i wan SUCESS!!! anyway i hope i would blog soon...
By Jon Ang

By Jon Ang

our invention name.. ARO-PEN
By Jon Ang

final day.. IE challenge
By Jon Ang

By Jon Ang

By Jon Ang

commander of the 7 seas
By Jon Ang

chicken feets
By Jon Ang
ok i continue here... he got into the room and after the both of us bath, he started jumping on me and he is such an actor... keep acting like the Rock from WWE. he's in basketball and he kicks and snores loudly when he sleeps.
By Jon Ang
I went to camp eureka thinking its just another boring camp... i am seperated from all my friends...even rooming also... i roomed with 2 shuqun boys(childish) and 1 joker called RYNER... he is total crap but dao at 1st sight. i group with 2 tanglinians, wrisney and jaime which i didn't really know.. got to know them better and found out that jaime is actually 2nd in her level...WOW! smart... wrisney is carp... she talks craps and tells jokes.. at least they are funny enuf. Then i got to know a prefect ssenior which i never knew existed.. which was peiyi... if she didn't tel me i wouldn't know... then was stanley and steven... stanley is super clever and good at business. steven too. both of them are starting a business together next year.. wish them good luck.. then was 2 quiet people... Jeff and Galvin. they only started toking at the 3rd or 4th day.. lastly it was a loser, crapper and rubbish.. shawn.. the 187cm guy which helped in the captain's ball competition thats why we could get $104 but it was only second. we lost it the rest of the games and events. atleast i got $2 from a game somewhat like 'simon says' and another $2 from 'pass pass pass' the meals were ok. the camp buster was only fierce on the 1st and 2nd day. other then that ok... he's actually not as bad as he appears in the camp. we lost every game and we blamed it on us being 'cheated'. our group, group 1 became famous and were called the 'pok pok keh group' because during 1 game, we keep giving out the chicken sound and it was very very loud. so... I'll talk now about my roommates... the 2 shuqun guys are weird. 1 sat in the bath tub from 2.00am to 2.30am at night on the first night when people were sleeping. another was a quiet little sec1 boy... then i slep with this boy called ryner... he is crazy. he's tall,dark and handsome(erhemmm)
By Jon Ang
ok... i woke up this morning at 10+ and then i lazed around as usual until around 2+ then i left the house. i headed towards Sakae sushi in West Mall. I went with a group for friends for sushi buffet. it started at 3 but everyone only arrived at 3.30 so we had 1/2 an hour less to eat.. i were able to eat until 6. I ate so much until i eventually vomited in the toilet, thats the outcome of stuffing yourself with food. i had a bloated belly and i had difficulty walking... i actcidetally knocked down a cup of water infront of the waiteress and she had to clean it up. she keep on giving out the 'tsk' sound... and shes only a trainee. her job is too serve and not complain so much. i cannot stand people like her.. as if i not paying like that. daphane is out.. but why not taufik... My logic is incorrect... i tort that he would be out because Hari Raya is coming soon and the Malays would rather spend their money on food or giving green packets. But i realise there are yellow people who vote for him also. but maybe he is really that 'good'.
By Jon Ang
i m just testing out some new programme
By Jon Ang

just testing
By Jon Ang
Finally i did something today. i woke up and i went out... Not only did i go out, i went to play badminton. i haven played badminton in the proper manner for a long time... i also haven't exercise for quite sometime and i got tired very easily... i went to play with my church frends and some unknown people... anyways... we played at some indoor place in bukit gombak. After badminton we wanted to go CDANS to play lazer quest so we walked there... but in the end, it was booked until 6 and it was only around 3.30. we went West Mall instead. we actually wanted to watch shark tale. half ended up watching shark tale another half watched Ladder 49.. i did not watch as i had already watched ladder 49 and those watching shark tale were not really close to me. so i went home and slacked(as usual for the past few days). I finally got sumthing to do. But... i still need to get a life....
By Jon Ang
its another boring day as expected... atleast i had some achievements today.... i started on my holiday assignment but didn't do very much. I did chemistry, i only did 1 and a half topic of TYS.. actually one topic quite alot of questions... more then 100... i am not suppose to go out this week, my mum wants me to stay at home and finish the assignments... haix.........
By Jon Ang
Today is one of the many soon to come boring days. its the second week of holiday and i told myself to start on hmewk but i didn't.... i stayed at home the whole day dunno waiting for what(mayb for tuition) i lazed around, play computer, sleep, watch TV and EAT... i muz try not to maintain my figure but i can't help start eating at hme... i feel hungry at home but not outside... i dunno why.... i want to go out more but going out will only bring nagging from my mother so i decide to stay at home... basically i did nothing much. i actually wanted to go play badminton and hang out with church but i hav tuition then my tutor called my half an hour before tuitiona nd told me he is having diarreah(i dunno the proper spelling) anyways... i didn't go tuition and i lazed around after dinner.... i hope tomorrow will be a better day... and i hope that i would be able to discipline myself to start doing homework because after this week it would be camps after camps after camps... then maybe still got planning of sec1 camp, SC chalet and SC farewell party.... my life is meaningless...
By Jon Ang
Yes...yes... i m having a bad day... it started with NCC... i went into the NCC room and then sat for awhile waiting for the rest... then Mas suddenly came in saying...
'Oh i am in the same group as you...'
I said 'huh for what?'
She then said 'i'm ur group leader for the Camp Eureka...'
In my heart i was thinking 'oh no why is it her??'
How 'good' can i start a morning with such a 'good' news.... then it was time for the damn bloody posting which i had long a waited... i was rather upset that i did not get a post i wanted..... i was appointed RSM(third highest)... i wanted AUSM(second highest)... what a dissappointment... and the person that took my place was MUHD SALIHIN.... Next it was meet the parents... i am alredy dissappointed enough with what happen then here my mother comes scolding and scolding blaming Student Council and NCC... i told her that i am in the year where people are under me not i under people like sec1 and 2. i told her off... i said even though i don't have CCAs i will also do this bad... Then she wanted to speak to Mr Lim and Mr Tan EW good thing they where no where to be found.... My L1R4 was 23 and L1R5 was 29...rather bad.... she said i could go no where but i said can get into poly but a lousy course like Nursing... actually nursing quite good what... will not get sacked so easily and might hav chances to see other pretty nurses.. lol... i am soo hungry.. i only eaten a bun the whole day... but i have 1 think to be happy about.... my school long pants are dropping when i walk... that means i am thinner... this might sound ironic as it is the holidays and i tend to eat more during that period of time.... gtg byebye
By Jon Ang
i m back blogging again.... my results are quite bad... i am so death... i can only blame some1... myself... i regreted not studying b4 and only at the last minute. but whats done cannot be undone so i'll just hav to let it pass... today we had interclass soccer. We won 3e4 because they didn't come and had to walk over because ms solatri didn't allow them to play. we won the first game 2-0 next we were against 3e1.. i didn't play but our team won again, 4-0 we were confirmed a place in the semi-finals. hen we played 3n2 and drawed 1-1. they were rather rough... we are one step closer to victory... tomolo we would play 3n1 in the semi-finals hope we can get to the finals. wish us luck man!! 3e2 must be the pride of express man... teams in the final are all the hope favorties, 3e2,3e4,2n1 and 3t1...gtg... see ya guys soon again.
By Jon Ang
it has been long since i blogged. sorry pple i sum times kinda lazy to blog or got problem... 1st i shall talk about test. i failed chinese and maths but i tink i mproved in both. maths 31/70, chinese 40/100. exams are approaching liao. but i haven start studying, today i'm finally going to start on my social studies. i tink i gonnma fail my chinese this time... i just hope i don't rretain and i m able to pass my e-maths. Today i didn't go school. i went for check up for my leg at NUH... it is suspected to be a minor meniscus tear. after asking the doctor, he says i am able to go OBS... yes! finally! A confirmation.... i feel so bad not going shool. i wonder how much new things i have missed out. haiz... i fell stressed out... i heard things are going on in the student council... i wonder what really happened.... i played sims2 after i return me... it was fun but due to the low ram of my com, the game was lagging like crazy. later yunli and harold coming to my home take game...gtg byebye...
By Jon Ang
it has been long since i blogged. sorry pple i sum times kinda lazy to blog or got problem... 1st i shall talk about test. i failed chinese and maths but i tink i mproved in both. maths 31/70, chinese 40/100. exams are approaching liao. but i haven start studying, today i'm finally going to start on my social studies. i tink i gonna fail my chinese this time... i just hope i don't rretain and i m able to pass my e-maths. Today i didn't go school. i went for check up for my leg at NUH... it is suspected to be a minor meniscus tear. after asking the doctor, he says i am able to go OBS... yes! finally! A confirmation.... i feel so bad not going shool. i wonder how much new things i have missed out. haiz... i feel stressed out... i heard things are going on in the student council... i wonder what really happened.... i played sims2 after i return me... it was fun but due to the low ram of my com, the game was lagging like crazy. later yunli and harold coming to my home take game...gtg byebye...
By Jon Ang
This morning i woke up and went to church as usual. After church went to lot 1, checked out hp prices... i want a nokia n-gage or nokia n-gage QD... after that went hme, rest then went out... me, yj, dan, zhihao, jian wei, davin seowhui and patricia wanted to go to zouk for sum NKF thing but we took a long time and couldn't find it, the guys got impatient and we change directiona nd went to taka.. we had dinner and walk around. after that they wanted to watch movie but i didn't so i went off... i didn't go hme straight.. i went to walk a while.. how lonely walking in orchard alone... atleast i had fun today.....
By Jon Ang
i haven blogged for a few days... i suddenly feel so lazy to blog but instead i enjoy reading others blog... yesturday went to skool with a whole lotta hmewk to finish... end up, nv finish just past up... this time i'm gonna die... student counciller sumore.... sometimes it's kinda hard to be a councillor when you wanna slack...after skool stayed back for foto taking... after we had our foto taking, we had an urgent meeting... it was regarding the dropping standard of the SC.. i speak a lot explaining the things that were brought up. i think that the SC is really short handed now... we are dying... when will the sec 2 come in... i need help.... i dun wanna retain this year if not sure die 1..... after the meeting tracy ask us to go for meal... i didn't wanna go so i said i was on diet.. excuses!!! i just wanna say back and clean up the student council room... i don't know y i so gd that day.. harold the big fubar bear stayed back with me to clean up the student council room... the place was like a junk yard... the SC room can change name to Store room... it is full of textbooks and had to put all the textbook aside to clean up... alot of leather shoes were left in the room, me and harold dump it all in the cupboard... now tyhe only thing dirty in the sc room is the stain of dried up sweet drinks and black shoe polish.... i said until around 4+ to 5.. to all SC pple the key is not with me it is with Mr. Lim Kian Guan.... but if u cannot find any of your possesions in the room ask me... i might be able to tell u....might only.....
By Jon Ang
I had to go to skool yesturday limping dure to my injured leg... reach school was showered with words of concern.... then we were called to go and do the corsage for the dinner... i acted and slack in the SC room.... Then when they were calling people to go to the home econ to make the chocolate for teachers' day, i went.... due to the fact that i would be able to eat chocolate.... make make make then ended up singing and taking with shahidah, mark and marlene. After that Yuting came. then me and mark felt thirsty so we went down. Marlene and Yuting came alone.... when we reached downstairs, after we drank our drink, we wanted to go into the general office, i hesitated. i was afraid to get into trouble, just nice mark was called to help carry the LIMITED EDITION glass chess set so i helped... Yuting and Marlene went in the general office then i dunno what happened after that. we were instructed to put the chess set into the paper bag... before we even started he had to hear out dear VP mr chia grumble. he assumed we would mess up the place and started grumbling. i didn't go in the room i stayed outside to pack the chess set. iworked with Maimunah and Christina. While Mark worked with Marlene who just arrived in time.. Christina and mai were wearing their band skirt then mai went to change to her PE shorts then she revealed her legs and i started laughing and calling her a bear... THEN the BEAR FAMILY was established.... Mai remained as the Dancing bear, Marlene was recruited as the Singing bear, Mark called himself hopeless bear and for some reason, due to my name i was called Pig bear....what a name... then we went for lunch, Me, Mark, Mai,Harold, Marlene and Yt went out to eat and help the others buy back, we saw kenny and ming then they act dao...after eating we went back and me, mark and harold chiong to the toilet, actually we wanted to bathe but don't hav the shower so only i bathe in the end. i was rather fustrated with my long sleeve shirt i losr 2 buttons and i had to use safety pin, 1 at the collar another at the sleeve. then we went to amphi threatre had dinner then went back to start our duty. then the dinner began, the first person who walked in was an invited guest. Some one who didn't buy a tic so cool usually this type of pple will be one of the last to come in. after duty we went to rest in the humans room, me and mark started playing with yunli's shoes again, throwing it around, then the musical was about to star we rushed to the place above the hall to get a good view, first i saw on the floor the marlene wanted to stand so i took her sit, then she began tired and then.... she kneeled one leg on my thigh, her leg so big my thigh was almost gone, gd thing it was on the leg that was ok, after awhile she became too much she rested her whole body weight on my left thigh. not only that when the cast in the musical was singing she bounced up and down and with her whole body weight on my left leg... she is heavy... but i am heavier... haha... then she stoped and took her leg away, then i put my head beside a metal fence and a pillar, marlene stood next to my head and used her butt and kept banging my head against the pillar, i wasn't pain but it was disgusting.... after the dinner had ended, we rushed down took drinks and wanted to go for supper, then dunno sumhow someone told us we could eat the leftovers so we started dinning. the others started befor me, so me and mai went to take food together, then as we were taking half-way, i wanted to joke we her, i said "mai! the food is not halal!, then i stopped to pause a while and indeed i was a none halal table. mai put down the plate and went to find the halal table but... it was cleared poor mai no food to eat, she could only sit watch us eat...i sat with yunli, mai, alvin and priya. Our council had a Yum Seng! twice... everyone left in the parade squared looked at us... so paiseh, after that we went home, i took bus with jasmine, mark and yunli, we took 143 and saw the stupid 51 go pass us we were so fed up! we talked about the many problem the new excos' are facing.... it would not be so easy to sovle it all.... but it has to be solved one day. Well a day passed like that. yeah no skool tomolo but have to go back for the teachers' day thing... i hope less bad things will happen tomolo... gtg cya....
By Jon Ang
HEY pple... haven blogged for a long time.... sory guys... kinda busy so..... got 40th aniversary, teachers' day, study, NCC..... and a whole load... i need how to learn to juggle things.... being and EXCO is so stress.... do this do that get atitude from pple get scolded from upper pple..... so.....haiz.... i need to get rid of my lazy bug...... i keep on slacking.. so long nv play soccer and study... dun study retain... i tink i am going to retain... but i hope i don't coz..... i dun wan to take o'level 1 year later.... then i also dun wanna fial maths during o'level... hav to go ITE. well back to topic... i nv play soccer, the big tummy of my will groew even life is getting so meaningless?? or am i wrong? got to go.... tag in my board if u find that i haven blog for long.....cya pple......
By Jon Ang
today is a holiday.... yeah.... went orchard... eat lucnch liao(BK) the play arcade watch movie..... the movie is the village. it is a dumb show... no meaning, not scary...i slept....haha...waste time and money.... the blind lady does not look blind she can tell what is b4 her when normal blind pple cannot.... then after that go yoshinoya eat dinner..... when we watched the movie, we were siting in a row of 5 guys....but firther down a few rolls, was cheeyong with 4 gurls... haha so funny we keep laughing and disturbing him... haha actually quite bad.... he working for his own 'future'.... tomolo hav to go back skool again... haven done any hmewk... tomolo morning go skool and chiong.. cannot finish just hav to DIE lor
By Jon Ang
it has been a long time since i blogged.... i shall start from friday.. morning i met jasmine and alvin then went to skool together... reach skool then painted our faces red.... so disgusting... then after the celebration got scolded by sec4 exco...blah blah blah all the crap..... then after that played socccer with 4n1.... quite a rough game. i was not as i expected.... at least they were nice to cheer us after we lost... their team alot of track pple. so fast.. the spint down we cannot catch liao... but nvm losing is also i form of learning... fazlan so funny.... we losing he say "nvm...whose the AYE king?" aye is the st soccer court outside our skool... we always go there after skool and most of the time we win.... so he call himself the AYE king. then saturday went for my frens birthday party.. had steam boat... then ended up eating grill food instead of boiled food... at least i got my stomach fell up... today i went to a soccer tournament.... the tm consist of sum 3e2 boys, 3e4 boys and shawn.... we won 1st match 3-0 we tort i was going to be easy then we lost the next 2 matches 1-0 then we were out. we played the 4th match for funny we played without passion and fooled around... the referee and the other team scolded us... farhan got red card and i tink he was the only person in under-16 catergory to get red now i am all tanned and my face is just like a tomato..... tomolo moring hav to wake up early n go for ncc... public holiday also not spared....
By Jon Ang
so..... wat.... i just slept 10 hours yesturday long nv have a good sleep. today go skool so sian nothing special just a normal day. i bought a new game.. wining elevn.. quite funny very realistic.. i realise nowadays nothing much to blog... tomolo still got passing out parade... it is at 5... so sian until around then after that maybe got tuition again... sian.... thurs got chemistry and geography test die liao tomolo i tink got physics...also die
By Jon Ang
i haven't blogged for a long time kinda tired all the time and busy.... i found out that my schoolmate, oliver's father passed away.... then i realise how fragile life was and i think that we should learn to cherish life and live life to the fullest.... today woke up early go skool.... after that stay in SC room help mr lim and harold with the furniture.. after that had lunch then the 40th anniversary rehersal started... i dunno what the committee was doing, we stood for 2 hours and i was standing on a slope... so it was 1 leg tired 1 leg not...manage to be 1 of the first to watch 'joseph and the amazing technique colour dream coat'.... it was good... i always tort that it was going to be a flop.... only the actor as joseph, his voise sucks..... and today i got sabo touched by *****.... he ownself dun wanna do... then ask pple do. then pple get scolded, he say he assign us to do coz he wanna train us.. full of excuesses....i just hav to bear with it.. until 28 aug and its over...Yipeee..... so tired......gtg le....
By Jon Ang
it's 2 days sinces i blogged... wasn't free... today is finally over... it was 1 of thw worst day ever but i went well under god's graciousness.... kinda tired but stil hav a load of hmewk to do... Ms Wong is Evil.... hmewk so much and still tell us little... we dun do hmewk because we use the time to have fun with our hobbies... today i had re-spelling for chinese.. it went well.. all the easy words came out... i invested $10 in maimunah's buisness... my cash flow is now running low.. i need donations....plz donate to the Jonathan's Pocket Money Fund[JPMF] or the Needy Jonathan Fund [NJF].. hao xing you hao bao..... :) if you don't donate the chubby guy that you see will turn into a bamboo soon... yesturdya got ttanglin idol auditions.. i tink it is quite bad.. the audience so noisy.. we should cut down audience as there is recording.. byebye.. plz donate
By Jon Ang
today i went to skoolo thinking that i would go for some sian ettiquette course but it turned out the other way round. we all had fun.. it was so coincidences that me and kenny was standing at the centre of the U-shape the was the guine pig to be the first to walk the path. we are to walk with good posture and stand properly and also turn properly... fell like... back to basics learning how to walk... then after that i was attacked by the teacher.. embarrassed infrount of the counciller boared for my extra long malu... then we had inviting for customers.. role playing... i was the last group and i decided to create some humour.. went i ushered the quest to the table, i covered my mouth and showed a gesture asking for tips... to funny every1 laugh then the tupid excos try to act as troublesome guest then i got sort of said by the lady... then went to SC room clear and fixed some furniture.. tupid cupboard... i fixed the door cannot then mr lim can.. the cupboared see me not happy ah.. then we cleared and went for lunch cum dinner.. mr lim treat drinkings then we py our own food.. all of us tok tok tok until 5.30 then go hme.. i went church.. then every1 looked as me as i nv wore fomal to church so every1 ask me y i wear so nice... i said i went for ettiqurtte course and they laughed at me... then watch the drama rehersal.. it was SUPERB man... then did dirty job.. i wore formal then take black trash bag go around collect rubbish.. then took taxi hme wit my bro and desmond.. sinaz.. so tired... very soon it will monday..hav to go back to boring skool again...
By Jon Ang
living in singapore is so stressful.... the biggest stress is studying... teacher bomb us with alot of hmewk and every subject say little.. if every subject gives a small bomb, combining the bomb will be a very big is friday.. it is a short day... finally skool reopen this is the first time nv play on friday. we go watch movie...i,robot.. starting quite boring..i fell asleep... wasted... shouldn't hav watch should hav go home sleep. today wait for pple to finish their retest then go..quite late sumore... tomolo need go skool for SC... learn how to walk,talk greet and stuff like thta... dun i already know how to do all those things??? sianz... nothing much today lah... sianz.. why now so little pple tok at my tagbored? my blog so boring meh?? if it is tell me leh then i change a bit...
By Jon Ang
i feel then being in the SC is now not fun anymore.... we are forced into things that we don't want to do and are scolded for little little mistakes.... this has been in my head for quite long... why do i get scolding when something goes wrong with the PA system? stupid -----.... but the stupid ----- will be steping down on monday i hope the next person taking over him will be sum1 good and sum1 who understands us.... i am forced into parade commanding when i am no good at it.. almost every1 noes i sound like a girl sometimes when i speak... is this some kind of joke trying to make myself embarrased in front of the skool?? and v. principal complain we all get it.. after all we are also first timers doing it.. why can't they understand?? being in SC is getting more and more stress. sometimes i wonder if i should quit SC.... haha today went play soccer.. my leg pain again... i tink i should seriously consider to stop playing soccer 4 a while. hope tomolo can go watch movie.. haven watched 1 for ages....althought the last 1 i watch was spiderman 2.... i hope ms wong get another day mc.. 2molo 2 periods of lit... so much hmewk to complete and boring... studying in singapore is so stressful.. sometimes i really wished i was born in africa
By Jon Ang
today i thought i would go skool with lots of hmewk to hand in and a maths test to fail... but i was like a break to me. my form teacher and physics teacher was not here.. so 6 periods was gone..
the first period suppost to start maths test but principal tok abt racial harmony then she tok 1 period so maths test canceled.. yeah! then during social studies, we went to hall coz teacher involve in racial harmony performance so skip ss be4 going hall we got a list of the pple who need to re-do the biology retest. another good news for me was that i need not take the test again. then after skool i got another present. this is my 3rd belated present liao.. the present is a La Pi Xiao Xing soft toy... from CMI, yunli and cheeyong it is quite big around 20-30cm like tht.. the reason why i get La Bi Xiao Xing because pple all say i look like it.. couldn't blamed because of my thick eyebrowns... if they were shaved then i wouldn't have looked like happy... then after skool play watergun at SC room.. i think that i am contridicting myself.. i say sec 4 councillors play water gun so childish i myself also play.. cannot blame ah.. the water gun there too tempting... we can hardly resist temptation. for example, you see a pizza that you like, right in front of you, u will surely take a bite if no 1 is looking. SO T^HAT EXPLAINS THE SIZEOF MY STOMACH.. back to story...then go shoot pple around then play ball with some ncc pple i so bad luck i keep 2 time almost kenna teachers good thing the teachers are kind teachers so nothing wrong... if DM ball gone already lo... reach hme eat dinner go tuition... tuition also slack then got early dismisal
By Jon Ang
today i got back three results.... maths, chemistry and physics.. maths 20.5/50 chemistry 24.5/50 and physics 12.5/15 i think i did quite well although i only passed 1.. tomolo still got maths tets... i hope i can pass this time. today go skool i got another present... my burfday so long ago at least the thought was there... it was from yuting.. it is a christian book for devotion... haven really look at at yet. i die liao pple buy for me next time i also must buy for pple...haiz... tomolo got test still have to study... today maths remedial ms tan so angry... many pple were not listening.. i was lol then ms tan just whose fault was it?? was she short tempered of were the class really too much? well today only got maths hmewk.. so cool at least not much so can study... to 3e2 students, good luck for tomolo's test
By Jon Ang
This is a nice song.. from spiderman 2 ost
by Dashboard Confessional
Hope dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption
Winding in and winding out
The shine of it has caught my eye
And roped me in
So mesmerizing, and so hypnotizing
I am captivated,
I am...
I am selfish
I am wrong
I am right
I swear I'm right
Swear I knew it all along
And I am flawed
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself
So clear
Like the diamond in your ring
Cut to mirror your intention
Oversized and overwhelmed
The shine of which has caught my eye
And rendered me so isolated, so motivated
I am certain now that I am...
So, turn up the corners of your lips
Part them and feel my finger tips
Trace the moment, fall forever
Defense is paper thin
Just one touch and I'd be in
Too deep now to ever swim against the current
So let me slip away [3x]
So let me slip against the current
So let me slip away [4x]
Like hope
Dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption...
By Jon Ang
yesturday actually blog liao then got error everything erased then i want sleep wake up early study then didn't bother to write again... i went to SAFTI yesturday for the ncc day parade. their marching is terrific. in skool i look around only see 5 to 6 master sergent at one time by there with almost all the skools there, everywhere i turn i see a master sergent then i realise that being able to be the highest rank is nothing big.. it is just a piece of cloth that many pple in singapore went skool with fear as i was going to be the parade ccommander. i was shaking throught the whole time and i voice wasn't loud. atleast i hav and excuse saying i am the first time doing.. hope i can do better next monday.. went class get scolded liao nv do maths homewk then i manage to do a question nthen can sit down.. many pple nv answer still sit..CHEATERS!!!! well nvm i had bio test and i don't think i will pass but i think the effort was there and i hope i need not do the test again. then after recess got SS test.. i studied and know what to write but not enuf time.. dan siting beside me keep asking me.. haha infront of the class also nv get caught. after skool went to eat then saw yx eating with all the 3e1 so not paiseh meh?? then after that go street soccer court i didn't play coz i don't hav any team.. go there 3 hour nv play should hav went home and go into dreamland.. just finish 2 more summaries and half my maths test preview.. at first i tort all dunno how to do then slowly compare and contrust book then know... haiz.. tomolo still got maths remedial sianz....
By Jon Ang
today went css investiture... quite gd mayb i say this because better then our skool. anyway our skool also 1st year so cannot blamed and gd thing no outsiders. I like the part where they sec4 excos' pass fire to the new excos' bu candles.. i find it quite meaningful then went lunch with jasmine, yl and CMI go macdonald jasmine eat quarter pounder.. so funny i said she wqanted to grow a quarter pound heavier. then keep getting kick by her. then went home sleep go church after that go eat then go hme reach hme hear my mother and brother grumble about my studies.. after all is just a piece of PAPER and i dun tink that piece of PAPER at the end of education.. and i dun find anything wrong with my current work.. my tutor says that some pple can study last minute and still score high.. i tink i my classified under that but why can't they understand me... maybe because they are not me... so what if i dun get that piece of PAPER??? many business man in tis work dun have any PAPER and they still can make it..haix...
i am lost...
i need help....
and prayer....
By Jon Ang
today PE finally we get to do what we want..haha PLAY SOCCER.... first time charlie so kind.... had chinese spelling i know my fate.. i am going to fail despite studying.. i resisted copying.. haha.. i am proud of myself... after skool do play soccer then go hme... today my net is big got 5 pple but the sad thing is they aree not visitors it is another net combining with us... today i learn about the 5 giants again.. and i realised i had 2 giants standing in my way.. prayed over it then started chit-chatting then talk about church pple i scared of they are... sharon, qiuyi, su-lin, eric loh and esther wong... because i got scolded by them b4... Evil pple... but i hav to forgive and i let it past... finally i get to touch the com at 10.15... tomolo i going Commonwealth Sec for their investiture... well i need not go NCC but why must this happen when i am on trial for a position that is quite high.. hope my posting will not be affected.
By Jon Ang
fimally it's friday tomolo.. watch movie or play soccer??? today is such a sian day so many things nv pass up then tomolo got chinese spelling...sianz..... today nv do anything special... nothing fun in class... after skool went SC for learning of new duties... have to be parade commander... i wish i am not... my voice sucks... its like half break half not break and then also i dunno how to shout from my diaphragm... monday i am the guine pig the first new parade commander... just got news that i might be going for commonwealth sec skool investiture.. wonder if it will be fun... mayb got with yunli and shiyong.. 2 big lamers...haha
By Jon Ang
Today is a so-so day... i went 2 skool nv chiong hmewk... then went SC room they playing water gun... sec-4 liao still so childish... then today i taught yt how to do bell.. yeah finally i dun have to go in there everyday... at least i hav a rest day... went to class.. first thing go in see people get scolded liao.. at bad start for a day... today didn't get punish for undone hmewk so thats gd... after recess watch this programme at the hall i nv sit with class i go behind then i sit with ivan tan, oliver and kelvin... the show about diff races festival then i there hear them crack jokes... so bad hor... then go classa while then go back hall again for assembly... went petroling nv watch show... go around the express block then me and hairi invade pples classes and comment on them. when we reach 3e1, we went in cause their lockers attracted us in.. then we saw a can of fox sweets then me and hairi each person take 1 and went for.. the sweet belongs to xin then when we reach downstairs we met famie and khairul then they also eating sweet and i found out that all of us got the sweet from the same so funny.. poor xinyi went back to hall waqtch a bit of the show then go hme time... went for sec3 sc meeting ... gonna help in the sec4 graduation nite ... so good but muz commit alot of time..nv it is worth it. then went to eat with nigel and another malay guy then go ncc... march march march then i went of earlier... chiong home bathe then go tuition.. so angry i reach my tuitors hse downstairs he ask he come 1/2 hour later then i sian dunno what to do sat at the void deck wait then finally tuition start...then over chiong hme cos so hungry..finally got food then now writing blog.. dun feel like doing hmewk today...haiz..tired..*yawnz* today i hav sumting new it is a fact about me... it is :Jonathan Loves Food, And Food Loves Jonathan and We are One big happy familly
By Jon Ang
todaywent to skool with alot of hmewk to chiong... reach skool start liao... then after that i found out i had to be parade commander on this coming monday...i so scared i got stage fright...then as usual went to the general office for the bell... yeah soon got other pple going to do bell also then i don't need to do everyday....went back to class had 2 periods of is maths day got 2 period and rememdial... in class today, i got a present for my was a kuala stuff toy and a spongebob squarepants card... so nice! thanks YX... i giv u yours soon...TSY... if you read this i want to remind you something... where is my present? u say buy liao at hme? until now stil haven come..haha jk jk if u nv buy then nvm dun need waste money coz u already given me 1 pathetic pokemon toy from macdonalds... today had chemistry test didn't know about it then nv study... sure fail 1 sure get less then 10/50 at least i nv cheat... many did haha but it's part of growing...after chem go assembly today tok or racial harmony.. i learnt abit more on the MALAY race...then watch half way called to do duty stand at the carpark gate for half an hour, then i saw tan eng wee he ask me return donation card then i went back to class and i forgot that i had a meeting to go for... didn't eat lunch and went for maths after that the guys say wanna go holland V then end up nv go... then here i am writing my blog....
By Jon Ang
today is a gd day... not hot and it rained yeah... today didn't have much hmework felt relief... after skool surppose to watch mean girls the yx say cancel coz raining went to KFC to eat... saw CMI, yunli and jasmine... the guys kept walking here and there to look at a girl from jintai sec.. not very pretty also lah... then after that got psycho into following setiawan, ryan and yj to west mall... looking for some small cd for setiawan camera... all the trouble started from miss wong... then west mall dun hav then we go IMM(yeah near my hme)after we bought i went seperate ways from them.. i reached hme slacked then went out to meet pple from my net... eat diner then we go do some stuff... we went knocking on every door telling pple about this drama from my church.. some pple so evil at hme dun want to open sum just close when they see you.. claer the block in 1 1/2 hour then come home... just a while ago i was browsing through pple blog and went into soon chang blog for fun.. i found out that the way he speaks in his blog is rather mature... thats all... well intereested in going for the crama? contact me...
By Jon Ang
Finally i restabished my blog.... i suddenly felt like blogging again... i'm gonna make this diff and it is not going to be boring anymore....