A DAMN day....

By Jon Ang
Yes...yes... i m having a bad day... it started with NCC... i went into the NCC room and then sat for awhile waiting for the rest... then Mas suddenly came in saying...
'Oh i am in the same group as you...'
I said 'huh for what?'
She then said 'i'm ur group leader for the Camp Eureka...'
In my heart i was thinking 'oh no why is it her??'
How 'good' can i start a morning with such a 'good' news.... then it was time for the damn bloody posting which i had long a waited... i was rather upset that i did not get a post i wanted..... i was appointed RSM(third highest)... i wanted AUSM(second highest)... what a dissappointment... and the person that took my place was MUHD SALIHIN.... Next it was meet the parents... i am alredy dissappointed enough with what happen then here my mother comes scolding and scolding blaming Student Council and NCC... i told her that i am in the year where people are under me not i under people like sec1 and 2. i told her off... i said even though i don't have CCAs i will also do this bad... Then she wanted to speak to Mr Lim and Mr Tan EW good thing they where no where to be found.... My L1R4 was 23 and L1R5 was 29...rather bad.... she said i could go no where but i said can get into poly but a lousy course like Nursing... actually nursing quite good what... will not get sacked so easily and might hav chances to see other pretty nurses.. lol... i am soo hungry.. i only eaten a bun the whole day... but i have 1 think to be happy about.... my school long pants are dropping when i walk... that means i am thinner... this might sound ironic as it is the holidays and i tend to eat more during that period of time.... gtg byebye