happy day...

By Jon Ang
todaywent to skool with alot of hmewk to chiong... reach skool start liao... then after that i found out i had to be parade commander on this coming monday...i so scared i got stage fright...then as usual went to the general office for the bell... yeah soon got other pple going to do bell also then i don't need to do everyday....went back to class had 2 periods of maths...today is maths day got 2 period and rememdial... in class today, i got a present for my burfday....it was a kuala stuff toy and a spongebob squarepants card... so nice! thanks YX... i giv u yours soon...TSY... if you read this i want to remind you something... where is my present? u say buy liao at hme? until now stil haven come..haha jk jk if u nv buy then nvm dun need waste money coz u already given me 1 pathetic pokemon toy from macdonalds... today had chemistry test didn't know about it then nv study... sure fail 1 sure get less then 10/50 at least i nv cheat... many did haha but it's part of growing...after chem go assembly today tok or racial harmony.. i learnt abit more on the MALAY race...then watch half way called to do duty stand at the carpark gate for half an hour, then i saw tan eng wee he ask me return donation card then i went back to class and i forgot that i had a meeting to go for... didn't eat lunch and went for maths after that the guys say wanna go holland V then end up nv go... then here i am writing my blog....