eat! eat! eat!

By Jon Ang
EATING! is life, without it, you die, too much of eat u also die. i m much on the too much of it. its the holidays and i gain weight as fast as i change my clothes! my pants are gonna be tight and i'm gonna die, i am not allow vigourous activities and the only thing i can do is jog. and i HATE jogging! so now the problem is, i dun exercise and i eat alot. I can't make myself eat lesser or not eat and i hav absolutely no self-control over eating. since friday i have been eating and i also had buffet today and i am going to have BBQ tomorrow. oh no, what is the world coming too and i also had buffet to day. why are food nowadays so tempting, i need to resist temptation. today nothing realli much happen today, due to the absences of gab and declan, my closer friends in church, they are away on a short mission trip, i realise how life would be without them, so my advice to u, cherish your friends when they are around, learn to give in coz u might not noe when u would lose or see them....happi reading