i' m finally back

By Jon Ang
it has been long since i blogged. sorry pple i sum times kinda lazy to blog or got problem... 1st i shall talk about test. i failed chinese and maths but i tink i mproved in both. maths 31/70, chinese 40/100. exams are approaching liao. but i haven start studying, today i'm finally going to start on my social studies. i tink i gonnma fail my chinese this time... i just hope i don't rretain and i m able to pass my e-maths. Today i didn't go school. i went for check up for my leg at NUH... it is suspected to be a minor meniscus tear. after asking the doctor, he says i am able to go OBS... yes! finally! A confirmation.... i feel so bad not going shool. i wonder how much new things i have missed out. haiz... i fell stressed out... i heard things are going on in the student council... i wonder what really happened.... i played sims2 after i return me... it was fun but due to the low ram of my com, the game was lagging like crazy. later yunli and harold coming to my home take game...gtg byebye...