
By Jon Ang
Today is a so-so day... i went 2 skool nv chiong hmewk... then went SC room they playing water gun... sec-4 liao still so childish... then today i taught yt how to do bell.. yeah finally i dun have to go in there everyday... at least i hav a rest day... went to class.. first thing go in see people get scolded liao.. at bad start for a day... today didn't get punish for undone hmewk so thats gd... after recess watch this programme at the hall i nv sit with class i go behind then i sit with ivan tan, oliver and kelvin... the show about diff races festival then i there hear them crack jokes... so bad hor... then go classa while then go back hall again for assembly... went petroling nv watch show... go around the express block then me and hairi invade pples classes and comment on them. when we reach 3e1, we went in cause their lockers attracted us in.. then we saw a can of fox sweets then me and hairi each person take 1 and went for.. the sweet belongs to xin then when we reach downstairs we met famie and khairul then they also eating sweet and i found out that all of us got the sweet from the same so funny.. poor xinyi went back to hall waqtch a bit of the show then go hme time... went for sec3 sc meeting ... gonna help in the sec4 graduation nite ... so good but muz commit alot of time..nv it is worth it. then went to eat with nigel and another malay guy then go ncc... march march march then i went of earlier... chiong home bathe then go tuition.. so angry i reach my tuitors hse downstairs he ask he come 1/2 hour later then i sian dunno what to do sat at the void deck wait then finally tuition start...then over chiong hme cos so hungry..finally got food then now writing blog.. dun feel like doing hmewk today...haiz..tired..*yawnz* today i hav sumting new it is a fact about me... it is :Jonathan Loves Food, And Food Loves Jonathan and We are One big happy familly