i m here!!!!

By Jon Ang
its really really long since i blog, i went OBS, Senior Specialist Course and church camp, i'm too lazy to blog nowadays, so since i m so bored now, i shall blog, to went to the edge, not as good, no electric guitar, very little people, anyways yesturday i went to the doector and he disallowed me to play for 3-6 months.... oh not a 6 months ban. by the time i can play, i hav to start chionging for O'lvls. so its almost the same as cannot play soccer, actually also go. i can strt saying hello! to TYS. life is ok now but i am soon starting a bad year. looking forward , less then a year to o'lvs. what would happen to me if i do badly, i dun wan ITE i wan SUCESS!!! anyway i hope i would blog soon...