By Jon Ang
ok... i woke up this morning at 10+ and then i lazed around as usual until around 2+ then i left the house. i headed towards Sakae sushi in West Mall. I went with a group for friends for sushi buffet. it started at 3 but everyone only arrived at 3.30 so we had 1/2 an hour less to eat.. i were able to eat until 6. I ate so much until i eventually vomited in the toilet, thats the outcome of stuffing yourself with food. i had a bloated belly and i had difficulty walking... i actcidetally knocked down a cup of water infront of the waiteress and she had to clean it up. she keep on giving out the 'tsk' sound... and shes only a trainee. her job is too serve and not complain so much. i cannot stand people like her.. as if i not paying like that. daphane is out.. but why not taufik... My logic is incorrect... i tort that he would be out because Hari Raya is coming soon and the Malays would rather spend their money on food or giving green packets. But i realise there are yellow people who vote for him also. but maybe he is really that 'good'.