
By Jon Ang
 today went css investiture... quite gd mayb i say this because better then our skool. anyway our skool also 1st year so cannot blamed and gd thing no outsiders. I like the part where they sec4 excos' pass fire to the new excos' bu candles.. i find it quite meaningful then went lunch with jasmine, yl and CMI go macdonald jasmine eat quarter pounder.. so funny i said she wqanted to grow a quarter pound heavier. then keep getting kick by her. then went home sleep go church after that go eat then go hme reach hme hear my mother and brother grumble about my studies.. after all is just a piece of PAPER and i dun tink that piece of PAPER at the end of education.. and i dun find anything wrong with my current work.. my tutor says that some pple can study last minute and still score high.. i tink i my classified under that but why can't they understand me... maybe because they are not me... so what if i dun get that piece of PAPER??? many business man in tis work dun have any PAPER and they still can make it..haix...
i am lost...
i need help....
and prayer....