
By Jon Ang
Finally i did something today. i woke up and i went out... Not only did i go out, i went to play badminton. i haven played badminton in the proper manner for a long time... i also haven't exercise for quite sometime and i got tired very easily... i went to play with my church frends and some unknown people... anyways... we played at some indoor place in bukit gombak. After badminton we wanted to go CDANS to play lazer quest so we walked there... but in the end, it was booked until 6 and it was only around 3.30. we went West Mall instead. we actually wanted to watch shark tale. half ended up watching shark tale another half watched Ladder 49.. i did not watch as i had already watched ladder 49 and those watching shark tale were not really close to me. so i went home and slacked(as usual for the past few days). I finally got sumthing to do. But... i still need to get a life....