40th Anniversary? what a fun but tiring day.....

By Jon Ang
I had to go to skool yesturday limping dure to my injured leg... reach school was showered with words of concern.... then we were called to go and do the corsage for the dinner... i acted and slack in the SC room.... Then when they were calling people to go to the home econ to make the chocolate for teachers' day, i went.... due to the fact that i would be able to eat chocolate.... make make make then ended up singing and taking with shahidah, mark and marlene. After that Yuting came. then me and mark felt thirsty so we went down. Marlene and Yuting came alone.... when we reached downstairs, after we drank our drink, we wanted to go into the general office, i hesitated. i was afraid to get into trouble, just nice mark was called to help carry the LIMITED EDITION glass chess set so i helped... Yuting and Marlene went in the general office then i dunno what happened after that. we were instructed to put the chess set into the paper bag... before we even started he had to hear out dear VP mr chia grumble. he assumed we would mess up the place and started grumbling. i didn't go in the room i stayed outside to pack the chess set. iworked with Maimunah and Christina. While Mark worked with Marlene who just arrived in time.. Christina and mai were wearing their band skirt then mai went to change to her PE shorts then she revealed her legs and i started laughing and calling her a bear... THEN the BEAR FAMILY was established.... Mai remained as the Dancing bear, Marlene was recruited as the Singing bear, Mark called himself hopeless bear and for some reason, due to my name i was called Pig bear....what a name... then we went for lunch, Me, Mark, Mai,Harold, Marlene and Yt went out to eat and help the others buy back, we saw kenny and ming then they act dao...after eating we went back and me, mark and harold chiong to the toilet, actually we wanted to bathe but don't hav the shower so only i bathe in the end. i was rather fustrated with my long sleeve shirt i losr 2 buttons and i had to use safety pin, 1 at the collar another at the sleeve. then we went to amphi threatre had dinner then went back to start our duty. then the dinner began, the first person who walked in was an invited guest. Some one who didn't buy a tic so cool usually this type of pple will be one of the last to come in. after duty we went to rest in the humans room, me and mark started playing with yunli's shoes again, throwing it around, then the musical was about to star we rushed to the place above the hall to get a good view, first i saw on the floor the marlene wanted to stand so i took her sit, then she began tired and then.... she kneeled one leg on my thigh, her leg so big my thigh was almost gone, gd thing it was on the leg that was ok, after awhile she became too much she rested her whole body weight on my left thigh. not only that when the cast in the musical was singing she bounced up and down and with her whole body weight on my left leg... she is heavy... but i am heavier... haha... then she stoped and took her leg away, then i put my head beside a metal fence and a pillar, marlene stood next to my head and used her butt and kept banging my head against the pillar, i wasn't pain but it was disgusting.... after the dinner had ended, we rushed down took drinks and wanted to go for supper, then dunno sumhow someone told us we could eat the leftovers so we started dinning. the others started befor me, so me and mai went to take food together, then as we were taking half-way, i wanted to joke we her, i said "mai! the food is not halal!, then i stopped to pause a while and indeed i was a none halal table. mai put down the plate and went to find the halal table but... it was cleared poor mai no food to eat, she could only sit watch us eat...i sat with yunli, mai, alvin and priya. Our council had a Yum Seng! twice... everyone left in the parade squared looked at us... so paiseh, after that we went home, i took bus with jasmine, mark and yunli, we took 143 and saw the stupid 51 go pass us we were so fed up! we talked about the many problem the new excos' are facing.... it would not be so easy to sovle it all.... but it has to be solved one day. Well a day passed like that. yeah no skool tomolo but have to go back for the teachers' day thing... i hope less bad things will happen tomolo... gtg cya....