
By Jon Ang
i haven blogged for a few days... i suddenly feel so lazy to blog but instead i enjoy reading others blog... yesturday went to skool with a whole lotta hmewk to finish... end up, nv finish just past up... this time i'm gonna die... student counciller sumore.... sometimes it's kinda hard to be a councillor when you wanna slack...after skool stayed back for foto taking... after we had our foto taking, we had an urgent meeting... it was regarding the dropping standard of the SC.. i speak a lot explaining the things that were brought up. i think that the SC is really short handed now... we are dying... when will the sec 2 come in... i need help.... i dun wanna retain this year if not sure die 1..... after the meeting tracy ask us to go for meal... i didn't wanna go so i said i was on diet.. excuses!!! i just wanna say back and clean up the student council room... i don't know y i so gd that day.. harold the big fubar bear stayed back with me to clean up the student council room... the place was like a junk yard... the SC room can change name to Store room... it is full of textbooks and had to put all the textbook aside to clean up... alot of leather shoes were left in the room, me and harold dump it all in the cupboard... now tyhe only thing dirty in the sc room is the stain of dried up sweet drinks and black shoe polish.... i said until around 4+ to 5.. to all SC pple the key is not with me it is with Mr. Lim Kian Guan.... but if u cannot find any of your possesions in the room ask me... i might be able to tell u....might only.....