Vun mee goreng and van yegg prate + Teh Yice

By Jon Ang
I regret eating Vun' mee goreng and 'Vun Yegg' prata + a 'Teh Yice'. But there was nothing else to eat at the hawker centre and i was hungry!=(. My throats gonna die and i can't enjoy food this weekend. Heal fast!


By Jon Ang
I got back from work, i log on to msn. And i got a surprise. An 8-year old girl started started chatting with me. Its a long-time-nv-see friends. Her brother and Me used to be good friends but lost touch. I used to stay over at their house. Anyways, shes only 8 and she has her own msn account and blog. So cool eh? So hi-tech. When i was 8, i think i was still playing with toy cars? haha. Anyways, she used to be very vute. but i dunno now... haha... so fun talking to her. Heres a little part of the conversation...

Jonathan says: (11:29:37 PM)
Jonathan says: (11:29:39 PM)
read ur blog
Jonathan says: (11:29:43 PM)
y u dun like carebear?
Jonathan says: (11:29:46 PM)
and big bears
Jonathan says: (11:29:51 PM)
i cant juz leave u 4 ever says: (11:29:56 PM)
Jonathan says: (11:30:03 PM)
u scared they eat u?
i cant juz leave u 4 ever says: (11:30:09 PM)
i dun like carebear
Jonathan says: (11:30:20 PM)
i thought young girls like this type
Jonathan says: (11:30:24 PM)
like carebear all that
i cant juz leave u 4 ever says: (11:30:24 PM)
i cant juz leave u 4 ever says: (11:30:31 PM)
im the cool type man
Jonathan says: (11:30:34 PM)
Jonathan says: (11:30:36 PM)
cool sia

So funny rite this small girl? ahha

What goes around, comes around.
It was foolish....

The week

By Jon Ang
Ok, i haven't blog in a long while. Like since after returning from youth camp? Ok, i'll update everything in a superrrrrrrrrr long entry today.=)

Monday was i work day, so worked not very hard coz not many things to do. Then at 4+, it started to rain. And it didn't stop the whole day.

Tuesday, the rain continued... From morning all the way, sometimes heavy, sometimes not. Then end work at around 6PM. After work, i called my father up and arranged a trip to BOTAK JONES! So glad its only in clementi. So....... Nearby.. haha. Ate alot alot alot of food. Was bloated at the end.=D It was still raining....
Botak Jones

On wednesday, it was an off day. Wanted to watch the matchn between Liverpool and Arsenal. Waited till 4am and then it was canceled='(. Then slept till around 2+. Woke up, watch tv then went searching for X'mas presents. But no luck.... Then in the evening, met up with Region people and went to watch the 'Daryl Ong Band' HA! Good thing it stop raining. Coz they played outdoors.. haha
The Band!
Daryl Ong! WOOO!
Elvin Foong Superstar
Jason Oon Poser
We saw John 'Faulkner'

Thursday was a normal, Boring, normal working day.

Friday was Sentosa Retail Party. The party starts at 8.30 and ends at 10.30. But i only end work at 10pm. So the whole gang of KIKI retail staff met up together as a sign of unity to go up late together. While waiting for the shop to close, we fooled around and played. Haha. Its so funny to have a get togetehr like this. Its so fun to look at drunk people lol. I was offer beer, but i hate beer. They force me to drink. But i didn't give in. And up they gave up. I only Posed... (You'll understand later). Only stayed for a while, Good thing i didn't miss the last bus home. If not i'll be broke on taxi.
The KIKI team
The Full Kiki-QM Team
Sheer Coincidence
I'm a Poser, Not a Drinker.

Saturday was a full day of rehearsal for X'mas. So boring........ Missed the edge...

Today, was X'mas presents giving day, everyone was going around distributing presents. Had a very grump day today. Sorry if i had offended you today, i don't know wads really wrong today.
In the afternoon, had rehearsals again. After rehearsals, Met up with church people, went to botak Jones to eat again. Then after that went for pool then home.

Conclusion, Happening week and I am growing fatter from alot of eating.....
Merry X'mas!
Good Night!

By Jon Ang
I'm not used to working after a week of leave...zzzzz............ I am so tired. I'm already in the holiday mood. I don't want to work anymore. But i need somemore money.=D I had a good week at camp, plus a good weekend in church. Lifes different now...

Argh! The temptations are all back. Its always after the camp.


By Jon Ang
Youth Camp was awesome. Had so much fun even tho i wasn't participating. I guess everyone had fun too...=)
Look at the Flags! 1st time flags were made at youth camp
Daryl is watching over us.....
Region F
Crazy people!
The angry roommates who didn't have enuf space on the bed
We got a shot with the STAR DRUMMER!
Saw this on the bus... Its malaysia, i need to explain further...


By Jon Ang
Today iw ent down to desaru to recce for youth camp... heres the pics
Nice beach!
Grasshopper Banging an Ang Moh
A chalet
I am happy at the balcony of the chalet=) its facing the sea...
A nice lime green grasshopper=)
A little Jetty
After a whole day of work, Roadside food at Johor.Yeah!


By Jon Ang
Its shutting up!
Thank God!
But how?

Argh i feel so careless. i left work early as scheduled but had to come back after i was halfway from home coz i took the shop key home. So end up only 11 like that then reach home=(. And worse of all, i have to take taxi back to sentosa. It cost me $6+. And i am broke-ing this week... haha. I believe that i will be blessed if i bless. So i hope my blessing comes soon...haha.


By Jon Ang


By Jon Ang
Today had to wake up very early to go dentist, i forced myself out of bed...Then i had something put in my mouth, i also dunno for wad. SO now i am having probs speaking clearly and eating=(. But i'll get used to it in a few days time, so its ok. Then my fatehr came to fetch me after my dentist then we went to a hawker centre in GhimMoh, Then saw jocelyn on the way, she was rushing to school...haha. The food not bad sia, ate carrot cake and cheechongfun... Then went home sleep awhile then went with my dad to aljunied to get uniform for next year. Then after taht, we went to eat, he brought me to haig road where there is a whole hawker centre with all muslim food. They have really good food, I shared with my dad Roti John, Satay, Indian Rojak and a dish with a big chunk of mash potato in a bowl of soup. It that chunk of potato, there was minced beef inside...hehe. Then after that went to work... COmign back from work, I sat beside a weird person... haha. Yeah one more day, its the weekends again... WOOHOO....


By Jon Ang
I am using skype talking to declan and Jason...haha

By Jon Ang
Nothing much happen this past few days. Sunday as usual went to church. Wanted to play mooply but all the kiddies came, so it got sian and we quited... We were stucked with them actually but someone saved us..haha okok... we are so bad.... Sunday slept at 2am after soccer, liverpoolfc should just go play some other sport then soccer. I woke up at 6am to go work, slept only 4hours. Then had to do a 13hours shift and when i reached home, i was almost dead..haha then slept like at 1+ or so then went to sleep and woke up at 1pm haha, so shiok. Watched Prison break 2 epi9 and 10, its getting exciting again... i can't wait for 11.... Then near dinner time, i got free dinner, at fish&co. Elvin and Esther went to fish&co. they ordered food but the person who took orders got it wrong and the it wrong then they were given extra food so the call me come and finish it... the refused my payment...haha so its FREE... Oh, there was a pretty waitress at Fish&co. Her name was Pauline. Should have continue at Fish&co. JP then ask for transfer to The IMM one...haha. Then i'll get to know her. But oh well, sentosa pays more=)

Photo day...

By Jon Ang
On thursday, i got to tour Sentosa... And i am paid $6.50/hour just to tour... the whole tour was 7hours....heehee... easy money man..... I'll not elaborate and let my pictures do the talking...heehee=)
Entrance at Sentosa Cove

Look at all the yatch there


Closer overview

Cool boat

Look at the size of that crab

Angel fish!

Nice Seahorse



Hi bruce....

This is the underside of a shark... look so fierce.

Leopard shark

Hi Patrick!

Hi Dory!

I saw this on a fridge. What a brand..

It takes alot of luck and skill to get this picture

This picture too! One of my personal favs...

Alabaster jar

By Jon Ang
This song is stuck in my head=)

This alabaster jar
is all I have of worth
I break it at Your feet, Lord
It's less than You deserve
You're far more beautiful
More precious than the oil
The sum of my desires
and the fullness of my joy!

Like You spilled Your blood,
I spill my heart as an offering
to my King

Here I am, take me
As an offering
Here I am, giving every heartbeat
For Your glory take me

Verse 2:
The time that I have left
is all I have of worth
I lay it at Your feet, Lord
It's less than You deserve
And though I've little strength
And though my days are few,
You gave Your life for me
So, I will live my life for You

Worthy, Worthy
You are worthy
Worthy is the Lord (repeat as desired) (sing simultaenous with Chorus)

My prayer

By Jon Ang
Thank God, You are faithfully. Bless you....
Today didn't really do much things,
Just played a little soccer with the church guys
Then they came over to my house to play PS awhile.
glad that a few younger youths came=)
hope to see more of them come... (Gerald Is a pah seh boy!)
just a little more effort and they will keep on coming...
Tomorrow is an off day again. 5 straight days not working, getting abit bored...haha
I seem to complain even when i am and am not working. When i work i complain i am sian, when i dun, i also complain sian... So what do i really want? i dunno. haha...

I pray, I pray
that good things will happen,
and that our faith will be grow.
Good things will happen to good people,
and let them stay righteous on path.
People would start to burn,
and run with fire.
Sorrows be gone,
and Joy will fill out soul.
Let the weak be strengthen
Then the sad be happy.
Ties that bind,
between family and friends.
This is my prayer......

=/ -> =)

By Jon Ang
New start, new change...=/
Oh well, didn't really expect things to turn out the way i don't want it to. But its God's plan for me so i'll just go with it and stop being sad or unhappy about it. I tort about it. If i can't change it, I'll live with it! We wouldn't learn if we dun leave our comfort zone rite? =)
Cheers to a new start!=)
Thank God...

bad food

By Jon Ang
This week i work 4 days straight... Mon to Thurs... So tired. atleats i have the entire weekend off.... haha... wadever...
On Wednesday after work, i got a little hungry after work.. so i went to the hawker centre to but some curry puff.. then the stupid uncle nv say whats the filling inside... guess what? inside was taugeh...yucks... altho i like taugeh but the combination just doesn't go well together... wadever..... And theres no curry flavour or wad... heres the pic.....

I spotted this at Fort Silonso.. A huge Monitor Lizard..haha
I guess Its about 2metres long, not kidding...

NEW YORK NEW YORK at CITYLINK rocks!!!!!!!!!! Good chicken with nice juice....


By Jon Ang
I guess now working is really starting to become a major influence in my life. Working is really helping me. I get to get things that are bothering me off my mind. But after work it comes back=( Ok but atleast for awhiel only until i sleep...=) What would I do if i didn't have work? My mind would have exploded from all the thinking... haha.. silly mind of mine. I wish school would start soon... I miss school and i miss classes, i miss friends. My resolution for a new school term is to be nice and friendly...and study hard...

Thank God for today=) God, I love you...

Everyone needs compassion,
A love thats never failing.
Let mercy fall on me,
Everyone needs forgiveness
Kindness of the Saviour
The hope of the nations

I'm so tired of this

By Jon Ang
I'm tired...
Today sentosa was so crowded. Buses all packed. Banglas taking picture everywhere, Maids having picnic at every grass patch. Long queues everywhere. So busy. Atleast i got privileges to cut queue.
I'm just tired...

Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.
And other times I feel like I should go.
Through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
When you're gone we want you all to know We'll Carry on,
We'll Carry on
Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on
Carry on
We'll carry on
And in my heart I cant contain it
The anthem wont explain it

Jamie Oliver

By Jon Ang
COOK with JAMIE: My Guide to Making You a Better Cook
New book... Its $68... I was tempted when i saw it a popular just now... I manage to look thru it awhile... There are good tips on cutting, buying meat, etc and also nice looking reciepes. I'll get it another day
Jamie Oliver has podcast..haha.. i'm listening man.... I wanna fly to london and learn from him=)