The week
Ok, i haven't blog in a long while. Like since after returning from youth camp? Ok, i'll update everything in a superrrrrrrrrr long entry today.=)
Monday was i work day, so worked not very hard coz not many things to do. Then at 4+, it started to rain. And it didn't stop the whole day.
Tuesday, the rain continued... From morning all the way, sometimes heavy, sometimes not. Then end work at around 6PM. After work, i called my father up and arranged a trip to BOTAK JONES! So glad its only in clementi. So....... Nearby.. haha. Ate alot alot alot of food. Was bloated at the end.=D It was still raining....
Botak Jones
On wednesday, it was an off day. Wanted to watch the matchn between Liverpool and Arsenal. Waited till 4am and then it was canceled='(. Then slept till around 2+. Woke up, watch tv then went searching for X'mas presents. But no luck.... Then in the evening, met up with Region people and went to watch the 'Daryl Ong Band' HA! Good thing it stop raining. Coz they played outdoors.. haha
The Band!
Daryl Ong! WOOO!
Elvin Foong Superstar
Jason Oon Poser
We saw John 'Faulkner'
Thursday was a normal, Boring, normal working day.
Friday was Sentosa Retail Party. The party starts at 8.30 and ends at 10.30. But i only end work at 10pm. So the whole gang of KIKI retail staff met up together as a sign of unity to go up late together. While waiting for the shop to close, we fooled around and played. Haha. Its so funny to have a get togetehr like this. Its so fun to look at drunk people lol. I was offer beer, but i hate beer. They force me to drink. But i didn't give in. And up they gave up. I only Posed... (You'll understand later). Only stayed for a while, Good thing i didn't miss the last bus home. If not i'll be broke on taxi.
The KIKI team
The Full Kiki-QM Team
Sheer Coincidence
I'm a Poser, Not a Drinker.
Saturday was a full day of rehearsal for X'mas. So boring........ Missed the edge...
Today, was X'mas presents giving day, everyone was going around distributing presents. Had a very grump day today. Sorry if i had offended you today, i don't know wads really wrong today.
In the afternoon, had rehearsals again. After rehearsals, Met up with church people, went to botak Jones to eat again. Then after that went for pool then home.
Conclusion, Happening week and I am growing fatter from alot of eating.....
Merry X'mas!
Good Night!
Monday was i work day, so worked not very hard coz not many things to do. Then at 4+, it started to rain. And it didn't stop the whole day.
Tuesday, the rain continued... From morning all the way, sometimes heavy, sometimes not. Then end work at around 6PM. After work, i called my father up and arranged a trip to BOTAK JONES! So glad its only in clementi. So....... Nearby.. haha. Ate alot alot alot of food. Was bloated at the end.=D It was still raining....
On wednesday, it was an off day. Wanted to watch the matchn between Liverpool and Arsenal. Waited till 4am and then it was canceled='(. Then slept till around 2+. Woke up, watch tv then went searching for X'mas presents. But no luck.... Then in the evening, met up with Region people and went to watch the 'Daryl Ong Band' HA! Good thing it stop raining. Coz they played outdoors.. haha
Thursday was a normal, Boring, normal working day.
Friday was Sentosa Retail Party. The party starts at 8.30 and ends at 10.30. But i only end work at 10pm. So the whole gang of KIKI retail staff met up together as a sign of unity to go up late together. While waiting for the shop to close, we fooled around and played. Haha. Its so funny to have a get togetehr like this. Its so fun to look at drunk people lol. I was offer beer, but i hate beer. They force me to drink. But i didn't give in. And up they gave up. I only Posed... (You'll understand later). Only stayed for a while, Good thing i didn't miss the last bus home. If not i'll be broke on taxi.
Saturday was a full day of rehearsal for X'mas. So boring........ Missed the edge...
Today, was X'mas presents giving day, everyone was going around distributing presents. Had a very grump day today. Sorry if i had offended you today, i don't know wads really wrong today.
In the afternoon, had rehearsals again. After rehearsals, Met up with church people, went to botak Jones to eat again. Then after that went for pool then home.
Conclusion, Happening week and I am growing fatter from alot of eating.....
Merry X'mas!
Good Night!