
By Jon Ang
I got back from work, i log on to msn. And i got a surprise. An 8-year old girl started started chatting with me. Its a long-time-nv-see friends. Her brother and Me used to be good friends but lost touch. I used to stay over at their house. Anyways, shes only 8 and she has her own msn account and blog. So cool eh? So hi-tech. When i was 8, i think i was still playing with toy cars? haha. Anyways, she used to be very vute. but i dunno now... haha... so fun talking to her. Heres a little part of the conversation...

Jonathan says: (11:29:37 PM)
Jonathan says: (11:29:39 PM)
read ur blog
Jonathan says: (11:29:43 PM)
y u dun like carebear?
Jonathan says: (11:29:46 PM)
and big bears
Jonathan says: (11:29:51 PM)
i cant juz leave u 4 ever says: (11:29:56 PM)
Jonathan says: (11:30:03 PM)
u scared they eat u?
i cant juz leave u 4 ever says: (11:30:09 PM)
i dun like carebear
Jonathan says: (11:30:20 PM)
i thought young girls like this type
Jonathan says: (11:30:24 PM)
like carebear all that
i cant juz leave u 4 ever says: (11:30:24 PM)
i cant juz leave u 4 ever says: (11:30:31 PM)
im the cool type man
Jonathan says: (11:30:34 PM)
Jonathan says: (11:30:36 PM)
cool sia

So funny rite this small girl? ahha

What goes around, comes around.
It was foolish....