cookies day

By Jon Ang
Today is COOKIES DAY. Its not international, But its my COOKIES DAY!
Woke up today and made cookies. The 1st batch turned out really bad. It looked like biscuit and tasted too sweet. And i did't butter the pan enuf so it got all stuck to the pan. Then for the second batch, I added more flour so it turned out nicer. The last batch was i tink the best cause it turned out golden brown. They are not the best cookies around, but theya re still edible. Oh, and besides chocolate chip cookies, i made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

The 1st batch of 'biscuits'(look more like side by side plant cells. lol)

Go got so fed up taking them out, i mad them into crumbles (and later i threw them away)

The much ok looking 3rd batch

The final brownish batch