graduation song

By Jon Ang
Just now while doing a little jog, i was listening to 98.7FM. Then they started to play the graduation song by vitamin C. That song brings back alot of memories. The thoughts of TSS, TSC, NCC, I&E, 4E2 and 2C came into my mind. started to think about the fun times and foolish things we did. Started laughing while jogging. Then i thought about what TSS has done to me. Training me up and being 'world-ready'. Seriously, we should be thankful for Without that, you will not learn to be 'world-ready' and how to deal with such situations.(straying from my point). Ok back. The highlights of this post is that i think the best years of your life are the secondary school days. And your secondary school friends will be the ones who stick with you thru out ur life. Coz sec school is the point where u grow and mature with them. What you 'get' from your secondary school is 'what' you do there. If you are ready to go thru a fruitful time there, at the end of the day you learn alot. Like me. I learn alot of things thru getting involve in various activities and CCAs. I always wanted to be a leader from young. but i nv knew i had the potential. Student Council and I&E (Innovation & Enterprise) did it for me. Both CCAs groomed me into a leader. I think i am a good leader (thats what i tink). I&E taught me how to speak out and have confidence. SC gave me problems which in turn became a learning opportunity. SC also taught me problem-solving among peers. I have seen someone in my year of reign(LOL) transform from a quiet person to a outspoken person. =)

NCC-where i felt proud when a junior aspired to be like me...LOL...serious...

2C and 4e2- Foolish things, Punishment from teachers, Jokes about each other, Tears, Sweat, Jerks!!, Close friends, Learning experiences, teachers. So glad 'msn' existed. if not all of us would have lost contact with each other.