Another boring day

By Jon Ang
Another boring day.... i am so bored. Atleast today wasn't so bad. made shepard's pie on my own. Haha 1st time leh. Had dinner at someone's place, nice food, had fun! watched Singapore Idol, Paul Twohill is not bad.
I need someone to talk to.
I need someone to help me kill boredom.
I need a life!
My life is now cartoons from i wake up to around 7pm
Chinese and English shows till 2-3am
Then sleep. Then wake up.
Then same thing again.
Want to go out but no cash.
Want to go exercise but my knee stops me from doing so.
Whats next? heehee, wait till i get back from Malaysia and i'll get a job.
Then i treat you(whoever you are reading my blog and if i know you.) as long as you go out with me.
Malaysia i am coming. I can't wait.
Ramli burgers,
Cheap food,
Cheap stuff,

TurKua anyone?

PMs....(Public messages not private)
-Fab, take care and good luck with NS
-Gab, come back from malaysia must bring me go interview
-Dec, go queensway
-Jason Oon, go queensway
-Matt, got anything tok to me, i can lend a ear altho i can't give advice. Go out for a drink and tok also can.
-Jason Tan, Tok rubbish to me, i very bored.
-Elvin Foong(president), Esther Tan(V.president) and John Tan( i dunno whats your post), whens our next fat club outing?
-Wilson, faster reply me to confirm the approval of the outing(without you)haha
-Dot, i need more mashmallows! A week's supply of it! kidding! SIALA!!!
-Jocelyn, You better act properly next rehearsal! We use fake names for the rehearsals. On the actual day then we use the names i came up with for topic 2 of the act.
-Yunli, Can you organise some outing for 2nd SC alumni?
-Harold, Where u go? y nv tok to me or nudge me already?
-4e2 brothers, Can we go town or something like that together? its been long....
-4e2 classmates, Outing please?
-Primary school friends, what happened to the all of you guys?

I tink i am blogging nonsense. if you don't understand anything here, you are not dumb, its just the writer who is the dumb one. Heehee. Siao!