Chalet + countdown

By Jon Ang
After 2 days of fun, i am finally back home and prepared to start work...... i am currently working at yuki-yaki(or yaki-yuki. i am unsure which is it...)restuarant. Not really looking forward to work... well now i understand y the adults like to say, study while you can.... ok.... i had to work on the 1st day or chalet so no choice only reached the chalet around 12+. The next day, we went to WILD WILD WET. Well its not bad quite fun..... we only paid2+ each as some kind soul gave us free tickets as it was the expiry date. It was a hot hot afternoon until it started to rain. then we left, feeling hungry, we went back for cup noodles. And watch "the best of america's funniest home video" After i bathe, i didn't wear my shirt as i felt so much heat on my body. i didn't know my whole body was red from the sun and i was said to be a
At night, we had BBQ and chatted, played and hangout through the night until around 5+ then they wanted to sleep, as i had to go to church, i didn't sleep and the only people left awake was me, christina and ming. i started taking photo's of the different individuals sleeping, upon seeing it, Ming and christina started to add props to them and many hilarious photos were taken. such as Jasmine's feet less then 5cm away from harold's face without him knowing. Khairul had a "JACK" card stuffed inbetween his butt and he became a jackass.... lol...
alrite! alrite! enuf of nonsence...
Jonathan signing-off. Adios